Friday, April 10, 2009

APRIL Updates ...

April 24 -- Doug and Jeryl Grimm explained the process of producing the "Hiawatha Maple Tree". He has several still available at the Grimm Nursery. We are very proud of the work he has done to have a tree to represent our town.

April 17 -- Nancy Larson was a guest today. Del Larson introduced our speakers: Denise Wolney and Lori Rieger, who described the financial aspects of nursing home; striving for postiive attitude in a negative industry; human relations aspect of staff working to make residents feel comfortable, relaxed and attending to their needs.

April 10th -- Randy Quinn introduced Michael and Cindy Dean from Sabetha as today's program: "My Friend's House", a discipleship house located in Sabetha working with "...those with alcohol and drug sins in their life". Please contact them at for an up-to-date list of their needs for the house. Election of officers for the 2009-2010 year was held: President - Fonda LaFrenz; Vice-President - Jennifer Ploeger; Secretary - Janice Smith; Treasurer - Peggy Kolb; Past-President - Sean Binkley; Board Members - Chad Bachman (2010), Jere Bruning (2010), Yola Bee Strobel (2010), Justin Fluke (2011) and Joe Koechner (2012). 5 Kiwanians have offered to help with the Chamber's Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow morning.

April 3rd -- Troy Boswell spoke on the economy vs. the banking business. Tim Peterson was a guest. 22 members present -- that ties our previous high from last month.

April 1st Board Meeting Synopsis: 5 members in attendance. Following approval of treasurer’s report and minutes, members reviewed the monthly / quarterly / 1st half volunteer hours and attendance. Volunteer hour totals to date for this club year are: 834.5 by 23 Kiwanians impacting 1330 kids in our community. Attendance is up 9% over last quarter. 100% attendance to date for this club year goes to: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, and Yola Bee Strobel. Lana Riegle was approved as a new Kiwanian. A Slate of Officers for the 2009-2010 club year will be announced at the April 3rd meeting. A “Fun Day at the Park Fiesta” will be held late summer 2009 featuring ‘old fashion fun games’ of bean bag toss, ring the bottle, pop the balloon, coin in the box, etc.; club members will be advised of their responsibilities. The Hiawatha Newsletter will no longer be published; however, information covered there will now be listed on this blog site. Thank you to Jere Bruning and Janice Smith for assisting at the Community Blood Drive on March 26. We will once again be contributing to Relay for Life. Next board meeting will be May 6th at Gus’s Family Restaurant.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New signs

To the ones that took care of fixing the old signs and installing all 3 signs, You did great. They look so much better. Thanks for doing this. Peggy

Welcome New Kiwanians - Eric Oldham and Randy Quinn

This blog will be taking the place of the monthly Kiwanis newsletter effective today.

March Happenings –
March 4th Board Meeting synopsis:
6 members in attendance. February Volunteer hours totaled 81.5 hours by 16 Kiwanians impacting 136 children. February attendance was up 21% over previous month and the HIGHEST in 3 YEARS!! Following committee reports and the reading of donation thank you notes, Jere Bruning was appointed to fulfill Joe Armstrong’s term on the board. The new double-sided Kiwanis road signs have been received and a committee of Carl Nelson, Jere Bruning, Fonda LaFrenz, John Moore, Kevin Hill and Joe Armstrong are now responsible for revamping the old signs and replacing them at the three entrances to Hiawatha. Eric Oldham and Randy Quinn were approved as new Kiwanians. Community Analysis results reviewed. Fun Day at the Park was tabled till next month due to lack of time.
Friday Meetings –Troy Howard, Assistant Manager of Hiawatha Wal-Mart, explained how the “Site to Store” program works; John Severin gave a school finance update; Fonda LaFrenz introduced her family (Joel, Holly, Laney, Jacob and Karisa Davis) and Joel told of the many joys of adoption; and Hiawatha Skate Park Committee members Lana Riegle and Jeremy Stover gave a slide presentation on the proposed skate park.