Thursday, July 9, 2009


"This is great! And it's free!" was the comment heard many times from children and parents attending the 2nd Annual Kiwanis "Kid's Fun Day At The Park" held August 1st at the Hiawatha Kiddie Korral located at Noble Park. 244 hot dogs, chips, pop and ice cream were served. Old-fashion games of bean bag toss, ring the bottle, croquet, hopscotch, hillbilly golf, and miniature golf were available. In addition, Petals the Clown made balloon animals and flowers, the Good Deeds Mini Horse Club gave carriage rides, and DeeAnn Hinkle painted many faces. Hiawatha Kiwanians thank all that assisted in putting on this fun day including Hiawatha FFA Club and Boy Scout Troop #313, the many businesses that donated merchandise; as well as those in attendance that contributed to the 'free will' jar that goes towards providing high school senior college scholarships. It was a great way to celebrate the end of summer vacation before the kids go back to school. See you next year....

July Kiwanis Meetings .....

July 31 Meeting -- We were very happy to welcome our guests today -- Kansas Kiwanis Division 2 Lt. Gov. Dan Gaumer and 4 fellow Lawrence Kiwanians; and former Hiawatha Kiwanian Bev Sunderman. Troy Boswell introduced his speaker - Joni Spellmeier, Director of RSVP of Northeast Kansas. Joni described the many volunteer programs they provide .... Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Medicare Consultants, Intergenerational Programs, Cyber Seniors, Classroom Buddies, Nutrition Sites, Pen Pals, Visitation, Transportation, Freezer Meals for Seniors, Red Cross Bloodmobile, Newsletters, Telephone Companions, and Meals on Wheels to name a few. They are looking for volunteers in the Hiawatha area -- if you are interested please call Joni at 785-562-2154. And remember, you can turn these volunteer hours in to Janice Smith to report on the monthly Kiwanis reports. Discussion of preparations for tomorrow's Kiwanis Kids Fun Day at the Park was finalized.
July 24 Meeting -- 17 Kiwanians and 1 guest, Haley Edwards, listened to Julie James' presentation on the NRCS Conservation Earth Day Celebration held for area elementary school-aged children in April at the lake. Julie was introduced by Fonda LaFrenz.
July 17 Meeting -- Laura Fortmyer, volunteer with Second Harvest and in conjunction with North Brown County Food Pantry located at First Baptist Church in Hiawatha, was introduced by Chad Bachman. If anyone is interested in donating or working at the 'pantry' please give her (467-8041) or the church (742-3423) a call. 14 members were in attendance.

IN MEMORY OF RANCE HIXSON -- born June 6, 1940 in Hiawatha, Kansas to Dudley and Dorothy Herman Hixson, Rance died July 10, 2009 at Maple Heights Nursing Center at the age of 69. He joined Kiwanis on May 18, 1965 and served in many capacities including president, vice-president, and board member for many years. He was also instrumental in forming the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation so that money FROM the community would be used to support the children IN our community. He was a strong leader for the City of Hiawatha as a member & treasurer of HFED for many years helping in bringing new industries to town, and assisting in the restoring of street lights for the city. His love for his grandkids, Studebakers and whistling while walking is well known. Rance is survived by his mother, sister - Janiece (Ken) Spencer, wife - Janet, children - Pam (Terry) Smith and Eric (Kerry Hixson), grandchildren - Jena, Cody, Ryker, Cassie, Jared, Dillon and Haley, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father and a granddaughter. Memorial contributions may be made to the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation (see Foundation members on the right of this page).
July 10 Meeting -- Ted Starr introduced Jim Bush to update members on the Francis Sewell Plamann History Center (formerly know as Hiawatha Clock Tower Building). 17 members and 2 guests - Daycee Binkley and Melissa Quinn - were in attendance.

July 8th Board Meeting -- 7 board members finalized plans for the upcoming Fun Day At the Park to be held August 1st -- 10 A.M. thru 1:30 P.M. Janice Smith will have a work signup sheet at the remaining July Friday club meetings for Kiwanians to determine when they will be helping with Fun Day. Be sure to give her a call if you are unable to attend a meeting. Janice and Fonda were given $100 each to cover expenses to attend the Kansas District Kiwanis Convention in August. 15 Kiwanians volunteered 125 hours impacting 219 children during the month of June. June attendance was up 3% over the previous month, but 3rd quarter attendance was down 15%. Congratulations to 8 members having 3rd quarter 100% attendance: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Janice Smith and Yola Bee Strobel.

July 3 Meeting -- Eleven members and 5 guests were present to view Chad O'Brien 's presentation on a mission trip to Port Arthur, Texas area sponsored by the Roanoke, Texas St. Peter Lutheran Church to assist in repairing homes damaged by hurricanes last year. Three adults and seven high school students participated. Beckham Smith introduced O'Brien. Guests were: Michelle, Kimberly and Brenna O'Brien, Tyler Bailey and Melissa Quinn.