Thursday, September 10, 2009

September's FALL Meeting Updates .....

September 25 Meeting -- 20 members were present as Jim Prescott of Trans-Canada Pipeline spoke on the progress of work in the area.

September 18 Meeting -- Del Larson introduced Karla Harter of Brown County Health Department as his speaker. She gave members an update on the flu. Bee Strobel gave members a short quiz on growing old. Guests today were Sue Korthanke and Lana Riegle. 18 members were in attendance.

September 11 Meeting -- A moment of scilence in memory of 9-11 was held today. Terry Smith was inducted into the club by President, Sean Binkley and sponsor, Fonda Lafrenz. Following his induction, Terry - City of Hiawatha Recreation Leader - presented a program telling of the many recreation programs available. His favorite activity is umpiring. Secretary gave a Board Meeting update. 17 members were in attendance.

Terry Smith

September 9th Board Meeting -- The 2009-2010 Budget was finalized today by 6 board members. 19 Kiwanians volunteered 116 hours impacting 203 children during the month of August; and our attendance was up 11% over the previous month due to Fun Day at the Park and an Interclub visit to Sabetha. 15 members had 100% attendance: Chad Bachman, Troy Boswell, Jere Bruning, Fonda LaFrenz, Delbert Larson, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Jennifer Ploeger, Randy Quinn, Mike Schmitt, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith and Yola Bee Strobel. Plans are being made to have a booth at Maple Leaf Festival with a "Night At the Cabin" raffle and also to have an entry in the Halloween Evening Parade. Joe Koechner has agreed to serve on the board for an additional 3 years and Justin Fluke will also be coming onto the board as of October 1st. Conversation continued regarding the installation of something at the Kiwanis Kiddie Korral in memory of Rance Hixson, with Fonda and Bee to visit with Terry Smith as to what he feels is still needed. 2009-2010 Committee Chairman assignments were made and can be viewed in the right column of this blog.

September 4 Meeting -- George Bauer, District Sales Representative for Mycogen Seeds presented a program on 'Biotechnology -- improving food / grain production for the next 50 to 100 years'. Congratulations to the Sabetha Kiwanis Club for completing their 100% Interclub attendance today with Ann Busch, John Feek, Maridel Wittmer and Bert White in attendance, as well as Terry Smith & 14 Hiawatha Kiwanians.