Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February Featured Kiwanian--Beckham Smith

Beckham has been a longtime resident of the Hiawatha area and has been a very active Kiwanis member. He and his wife, Janice, have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Beck is self-employed working for Rainbow Communications. He enjoys spending time in the yard when he is not working on computers.

Monday, January 18, 2010


We have two births to announce --

Kirsten Luci -- daughter of Jason & Ronda Smith, born December 18, 2009. 7 lbs. 11 oz.; 20 inches long.

Carla Ann -- daughter of Eric and Cara Gustafson, born January 10, 2010. 7 lbs. 4 oz.; 18 inches long.

Congratulations fellow Kiwanians -- Jason and Eric!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 2010 ........ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

January 29 -- Doug Weinberg introduced his speaker following a few comical remarks -- Eric Oldham. Eric took us back in time to "Grand Prairie: A One Room School House" with many visual aids such as slate boards and pencils, pinafore smocks, McGuffey's Readers, and old game boards. For this blogger, it hit very close to home as I attended Grand Prairie School from first thru 6th grade. 19 members present.

January 22 -- Janice Smith provided information regarding the upcoming Valentine Party. Bee Strobel presented trivia and Janice Smith gave "a new way to look at a deck of cards" for todays program. Eric Gustafson was inducted as a new member by President Fonda LaFrenz and his co-sponsors, Jere Bruning and Beckham Smith. 23 members and 2 guests -- Dustin Williams and Jackilynn Randall -- present.

January 15 -- Bee Strobel introduced today's speaker: Drew Bauerle, son of Daron and Elizabeth Bauerle. Drew, a Senior at Hiawatha High School, was our 2008 representative to HOBY - Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Conference. He related how the experience has encouraged him to become more confident in his everyday experience to become a leader rather than always being a follower. Thank you for confirming our stance to continue sponsoring the HOBY program. 19 members were present.

January 8 -- Despite the cold and snowy weather, 17 Kiwanians welcomed 5 guests (Dave Grimm, Malcolm Grier, Randy Phillips, Sheila Schwalm and Dr. Willie Geisendorf) to our Membership Day. Each member described what induced them to become a Kiwanian with "helping children of the community" being the top reason. Gretchen Randall was inducted as a new member by President Fonda LaFrenz and her sponsor, Peggy Kolb. Secretary, Janice Smith gave a board report and a brief history of the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club that began in 1930. Much laughter and comraderie was enjoyed by all.
January 6 Board Meeting -- Treasurer Peggy Kolb reported a net of $1459.94 for the Pancake Feed to date. Jennifer Ploeger purchased toys, clothing and food for the two families our club 'adopted' for Christmas 2009 with 8 children impacted. 18 Kiwanians volunteered 130 hours in December, which impacted 346 children in the community. December attendance was DOWN 24% from last month: 100% attendance = Jere Bruning, Peggy Kolb, Laurie Neemann, Mike Schmitt, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, Terry Smith; 75% = 5 members; 50% = 9; 25% = 3; 0% = 12 members. Dr. Delbert Larson is the 'Featured Kiwanian' for January. Community Blood Drive sponsorship was once again tabled till next month for additional information. Membership applications for Eric Gustafson and Gretchen Randall were approved. Final review for Friday's Membership Day was completed. 6 members were present.

Membership Meeting -- Would you like to learn more about Kiwanis? We would like to invite you to our Membership Meeting on Friday, January 8th at 12:00 noon at Laurie Beth's in Hiawatha. Come learn about our organization and see if it might be a way for you to get involved in our community!

January's Featured Kiwanian

Dr. Delbert Larson Dr. Larson enjoys the fellowship and community involvement that being a Kiwanis Member provides. Delbert and his wife, Nancy, enjoy traveling and spending time with family and friends. They have 4 children and 9 grandchildren.