Friday, May 7, 2010

MAY -- Happy Golfing!!!

May 28:
May 21: 17 members were present today for fellow Kiwanian David Nachtigal's presentation on Your Healthy Heart and demonstrate a heart defibulator machine. Secretary gave a report of Wednesday's Board of Director's Meeting and the President LaFrenz passed around the volunteer sign-up sheet for our June 12th Fun Day and also a sign-up sheet for the upcoming 2010-2011 club year's standing committees. Eric Gustafson was elected as 2010-2011 club treasurer and serve as 'treasurer trainee' for the remaining of this club year
May 19: The June Board Meeting was scheduled early this time as several members would not be available at our regular time in June. Members present were: Fonda LaFrenz, Jennifer Ploeger, Peggy Kolb, Chad Bachman, Justin Fluke, Bee Strobel, Janice Smith and incoming board member Brad Edwards. Officer Leadership Training for the 2010-11 club year was led by the incoming Lt. Governor - Doug Clark on May 17th at Laurie Beth's as Hiawatha membership was unable to attend the training in McLouth the day before with Chad Bachman, Jennifer Ploeger, Fonda LaFrenz and Janice Smith attending. Volunteer Hours for May 1st thru May 15th: 261.25 hours by 24 Kiwanians impacting 624 children. June's 'featured Kiwanian' will be Justin Fluke. Thank you notes received from USD #430 (speaker systems), City of Hiawatha (Rance Hixson Memorial money), and Brown Co. American Cancer Society Relay for Life Committee. Reviewd the plans for the upcoming June 12th Kids Fun Day in the Park. The Kiwanis High School Scholarship amount is being increased to $300 each beginning this year thanks in part to the success of the Kiwanis Golf Tournament earlier this month. Peggy Kolb has asked that we consider someone else for her position of Treasurer for the new club year. Possible candidates will be contacted and a vote of approval to follow at our May 21st club meeting. Peggy will begin training this individual once they have been approved. Sign-up for the 2010-2011 Club Committees will also begin at this Friday's meeting.
May 14: Today was College Scholarship Day with 2 of the 4 seniors present -- Chelsea Thompson and Andrew Buser along with their guests Vickie Simon, Greg & Becky Buser. Hallee Edwards introduced her guest, Mike Twombly. Today's speaker was Seth Euler, Kanza District Executive for Boy Scouts of America with Pony Express Council in St. Joseph, MO.
May 7: President LaFrenz announced our "Distinguished Club", "Outstanding Club Secretary" and "Distinguished Secretary" awards today. Secretary gave a report from Wednesday's Board Meeting. Bee Strobel read a 'funny'. Pat Loyd introduced her speaker, fellow Kiwanian Ted Starr. Ted gave a report on the current financial atmosphere.
May 5 Board Meeting -- President Fonda LaFrenz called the 8 members to order at noon.
---Carl Nelson, Chairman of the Fundraising Committee, gave his final report for the Kiwanis-sponsored Golf Tournament held May 1st. 10 teams participated with a total net of $2,106 for the day. Secretary Janice Smith will write thank you letters to all sponsors (see May 1 entry for list of sponsors). Chad Bachman will talk to Boy Scout Troop 313 Leaders to set a date for the scouts to attend a meeting to receive their $1000 check for the Wilderness Trip in exchange for the troop keeping the Noble Park Kiddie Korral playground clean. He will also ask for their assistance at Fun Day. APRIL Volunteer Hours: 214 hrs. by 20 Kiwanians impacting 285 children. APRIL Attendance was down 1% from previous month. Those Kiwanians with 100% attendance are: Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Justin Fluke, Peggy Kolb, Fonda LaFrenz, Del Larson, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Randy Quinn, Gretchen Randall, Beckham & Janice Smith, and Bee Strobel. We will be giving Terry Smith the money to be used for the Rance Hixson Memorial Shelter Park so that he can proceed with the plans. May featured Kiwanian is Ted Starr. Members donated $116 for the Kiwanis Skip-A-Meal Program that Kiwanis International will match to help feed the hungry children of the world. Thank you notes received from Chamber of Commerce and Hiawatha Youth Bowling League. We will continue to sponsor a bowling team next year as well. Kiwanis "Walk Kansas" Team logged 874 miles for the 8-week program, placing 13th of 33 teams. We will be donating $25 to the Hiawatha Fire Department FirePup Program to assist in providing fire safety materials for 11 children. Kiwanis Club Scholarship winners are invited to attend the May 14th club meeting to receive their certificate. This year's winners are: Chelsea Thompson, Drew Clary, Marcellis (Marc) Washington and Andrew Buser. Committee reports / assignments for our 3rd Annual Kiwanis "Kids Fun Day at the Park", June 12th, were discussed. Plans are progressing nicely and hope we have a great turnout and wonderful weather. The club officers for the upcoming 2010-11 club year are: President: Jennifer Ploeger; VP: Chad Bachman; Secretary: Janice Smith; Treasurer: Peggy Kolb; Past President: Fonda LaFrenz; Board Members: Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Justin Fluke, Joe Koechner and Randy Quinn. 2010-11 Officer Leadership Training was rescheduled to May 17th; noon at Laurie Beth's. Secretary announced she had received "important info in the mail today...." our Distinguished Club certificate and banner, as well as the "Outstanding Club Secretary" patch and "Distinguished Secretary" pin all for the 2008-09 club year. Secretary also asked for permission to hold the June Board Meeting early -- May 19th -- due to her being unavailable for the month of June.
May 1 -- Our Kiwanis Golf Tournament was held on a beautiful sunny day with 10 teams competing in the 3-person scramble at the Hiawatha Country Club. The proceeds for this tournament will be used to help fund the Boy Scouts' upcoming Wilderness Trip, Kiwanis Scholarships and Adopt-A-Family program.
---We wish to thank the following sponsors for the day: Hole Sponsors -- KNZA Radio, Ag Partners, Kex Rx, Sac & Fox Nation; Tee Sponsors -- Citizen's State Bank, Wal-Mart, Rainbow Communications, Marianne Schmitt CPA, Tice Health Mart, Farm Bureau Insurance, Shelter Insurance, Farmers Insurance, Stan Boos Auto Sales, Country Cabin, Golden Eagle Casino, Bruna Bros Implement, Maximum Insurance, Morrill & Janes Bank, Heartland Realty, SBS Insurance, Hiawatha Community Hospital, HCH Family Practice and Cashman, Finley, Miller, Schmitt & Boye LLP.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Featured Kiwanian--Ted Starr

Ted Starr, President of Citizens' State Bank in Hiawatha. Ted has been a member of Kiwanis for several years and enjoys the opportunities it provides for the youth of the community.

Ted is a graduate of Hiawatha High and received his Eagle Scout Award in 1964.

Ted and his wife, Paula, have 3 grown daughters.