Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Featured Kiwanian--Troy Boswell

August 27th: An interclub from Sabetha was present today -- Debbie Thompson, Doug Whittaker, Al Roberts and Joleen Wiltz. Welcome! Donna Willmeth with Link Mainstreet was introduced by Doug Weinberg. She is a website designer from Seneca.
August 20th: Chad Bachman introduced Larry Weast, Area Coordinator with Wildlife and Parks Department, as his speaker to 20 Kiwanians present. Larry travels the state of Kansas educating the public that 'Wildlife and Parks' is more than just fishing as he also provides information for all hunters.
August 17th: Welcome to our newest "Kiwanis child" -- Miss Kenzie Marie Ploeger was born at 4:35 a.m. today weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. Her parents are Heath and Jennifer Ploeger. Congratulations Mom and Dad!!!
August 13th: Local club members gave "City Updates". Bee Strobel read "Kidism's" and Janice Smith - "The Year is 1910". President LaFrenz's grandchildren, Dawn and Will, were her guests. 15 members present.

Troy Boswell is the August Featured Kiwanian. Troy and his wife Nicole live in Hiawatha with their 3 children. Troy is employed by Hiawatha National Bank and enjoys fishing and working on his car.

Troy likes that Kiwanis if community focused and he enjoys being involved in the community where he lives.

August 6th: Boy Scout Troop #313 representatives Payton Trosclair, Chris Jones and Asst. Leaders Jay Boyles and Tom Jones were presented with checks from the club. Libby Troxel introduced her speaker, Stephen Gilpin. Gilpin is an illustrator for children's books as well as cartoons, and other artwork. His weekly comic strip can be viewed at . 12 members were present.
August 4th Board Meeting: 9 members were present. 152 volunteer hours by 26 Kiwanians during the month of July impacted 94 children. Our July Attendance was up by 4% over the previous month -- with 9 members having 100% attendance. Brad Edwards will deliver the school supplies that have been collected from the community as our July project to NEK-CAP for their distribution to those in need. The September 24th Happy Jar Funds will be used as the club's donation to the International Project EliMiNaTe (MNT - Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus immunization program in third-world countries). Incoming President Jennifer Ploeger and the secretary will be making committee assignments for those members that have not advised us of their choice for the upcoming 2010-2011 club year. Boy Scout Troop #313 has been invited to attend the August 6th club meeting to receive their checks -- $1000 from Golf Tournament proceeds and in exchange for the troop 'policing' the Kiddie Korral grounds on a regular basis; our annual $100 donation to the troop; and $100 to be forwarded to Friends of Scouting. Mike Twomby was approved as a new member and assigned to the Youth Services Committee. The secretary is to contact the Hiawatha Chamber of Commerce regarding "The Power of Please Program" they are sponsoring for elementary children to see if we could defer our donation until after the first of October ..... if not, we will donate the money directly to the elementary school to be used as needed. Incoming Kansas District Kiwanis Governor John Martel is scheduled to provide the program at our November 19th meeting. Incoming officers will meet to work up the 2010-11 tentative budget to be presented at the September 1st board meeting.