Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The New Year Begins ........

Kiwanis Float in Hiawatha Halloween Parade: Jere Bruning drove the float while Kiwanians Fonda LaFrenz and Randy Quinn kept an eye on the 7 energetic children that rode.
October 29: Sue Korthanke introduced Rosanna Smith, Marketing Director for Vintage Parks. A brief overview was given of assisted living and what it means to the community. No visitors - 17 members present. John Severin updated us on Pancake Feed Preparations. The secretary stated she would be sending out a 'call' by email for Halloween Parade candy walkers for our float. November board meeting will be next Wednesday, the 3rd of November.

October 22: We had no visitors today as it was a committee workday. Committee members met to form a plan of action for their committees throughout the coming year.

October 15: Today was our first meeting at the Hiawatha Lodge, No visitors were present but Past President Fonda LaFrenz spoke about Little hands child development center.

Congratulations to fellow Kiwanian Great Grandma Yola Bee Strobel -- A great granddaughter was born on October 10, 2010 and named Piper Bee.

October 8:
Today's speaker was Kiwanian Kevin Hill who spoke about his family's trip to Ethiopia to adopt their daughter Audrey. We also received the sad news that Laurie Beth's was closing effective 2 PM on October 8th. Several new meeting places were discussed with the members present deciding that Kiwanis would like to meet at the Hiawatha Lodge if possible. Other options included bringing sack lunches at meeting at the Library or the Fisher Center.

October 5 Board Meeting: 9 members were present.
September Volunteer Hours -- 156.6 hours by 27 Kiwanians that directly impacted 191 children. Our September attendance was up 9% from previous month to 54%.....congratulations to those with 100% this month: Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Eric Gustafson, Del Larson, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Randy Quinn, Mike Schmitt, John Severin and Bee Strobel. October Featured Kiwanian is Terry Smith. The "Terrific Kid" program will be expanded to the Hiawatha Middle School. Stacy Leichti is our new member THRU the membership sharing program (club initiated in 2008-2009) under the auspices of Town & Country Ambulance and with Lana Reigle. We shall be contacting several individuals with below normal attendance to see if they wish to also participate in this 'membership sharing program'. Plans have begun for our club float for the Hiawatha Halloween Evening Parade. Cards of thanks received from Jim & Lana LaFrenz and Morrill Public Library. Gretchen Randall has been appointed as an assistant club secretary to 'job shadow' with the current secretary for a year prior to her taking the position full time. The 'Santa Jar' will make it's appearance on October 8 in place of the happy jar with funds being used for our Christmas Adopt A Family project. Next meeting will be November 3, 2010.

October 1st: Duties of thanking retiring officers, installing new officers as well as announcing the Hiawatha club Volunteer of the Year and Top Attendance for the past club year fell on the shoulders of Doug Clark, Division 2 Lt. Governor. Attending with him from Sabetha Kiwanis were Clancy Lippert, Brett Lukert, and Doug Whittaker. Other honored guests included Michelle O'Brien from Okinawa, Japan (Janice & Beckham's daugther), Stacy Liechti, Hiawatha Chamber Administrator, Kenzie, infant daughter of Jennifer Ploeger, and Gretchen Randall's infant nephew - Samuel. Today's speaker was Marla Oboujawdah, KexRx pharmacist, who spoke about the importance of vaccination.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Taste of Fall

September 24: Cindy Miller from the Alzheimer's Association spoke to the Hiawatha Kiawanis Club on what Alzheimer's Disease is, the risks factors, and resources that are available in our area for patients and caregivers. Today's 'Happy Jar' proceeds were gathered to be sent to Kiwanis International for the Project EliMiNaTe (MNT - Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus) in third world countries.
September 17: Bee Strobel read a "Summary of Life". Brad Edwards gave a Chamber of Commerce Update: Oct. 2nd Maple Leaf Festival. One of the new highlights will be a Hot Air Balloon at the Fisher Center from 9-11 a.m. IF the weather cooperates. Janice Smith read the "Sad Passing of the Pillsbury Doughboy". Happy Birthday to fellow Kiwanian, Jere Bruning!

September 13th the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation presented a check to Julie Splichal, science teacher at Hiawatha Middle School in the amount of $6,000 to be used for the Science Olympiad.

September 10: Local Kiwanians contributed to today's program -- Joe Koechner (Immunizations); Ike Larson (Candidate Debate); Jason Smith (Rainbow TV); Eric Oldham (Ag Museum One-Room Schoolhouse); Fonda LaFrenz (Community Day Care); and Eric Gustafson (Library's Mystery Book Club).

September 3: Today was quite a busy day! Lawrence Interclub members were introduced by visiting Kiwanis District Secretary, Rusty Thomas - John Saylor, Jim Walsh and Byron Gilmore. All three of these gentlemen have roots that started in the Northeast Kansas area. Mike Twombly was inducted by President LaFrenz while his sponsor, Hallee Edwards looked on. Janice Smith reported Board Meeting information to members. Troy Boswell introduced Teresa McAnerney, Facilitator for the Northeast Kansas Enterprise Facilitation. Teresa gave all present copies of the latest Entrepreneur Spotlight and encouraged members to become more involved in the program. Bee Strobel closed the meeting with "My Living Will". Following the meeting the HKF members met to discuss a grant application.

September 1 Board Meeting: 101 Volunteer hours by 24 Kiwanians that impacted 214 children was reported for the month of August. The August attendance was down 5% from previous month. Those members with 100% attendance during August were Eric Gustafson, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Janice Smith, Bee Strobel. Jere Bruning is our September 'Featured Kiwanian'. Received a thank you from NEK-CAP for the 283 items collected during our July Project: Kids School Supplies Collection. Finalized committees for the 2010-2011 club year were reviewed (they are now listed on the sidebar of this blog). October 22nd has been designated as our 'Club Committee Work Day' meeting. We will be donating to "The Power of Please' program being sponsored by the Hiawatha Chamber of Commerce for Hiawatha Elementary School students teaching " important it is to treat people with kindness and respect...." Each child will also receive a free copy of How to Get a Gorilla Out of Your Bathtub. We are planning to enlarge the Terrific Kid program into the 5th grade at the middle school as well as continue at the 4th grade level. Board accepted Dr. Sean Binkley's resignation. 2010-2011 Budget and Membership List reviewed and approved. Discussion of the 2010-11 Distinguished Club Criteria declared that the secretary should contact district level to express our concern with one of the changes for the new year.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Featured Kiwanian--Jere Bruning

This month's featured Kiwanian is Jere Bruning. Jere and his wife Patty are long time residents of Brown County. They have 4 daughters and 7 grandchildren. Jere has been retired for 18 years. Prior to retirement Jere was an avid farmer.
Jere enjoys working on his antique tractors and spending time with his family. He as been on 2 cruises with his family.
Jere enjoys helping children especially through the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club.