Thursday, November 18, 2010

October Teriffic Kid

The 4th Grade teachers at Hiawatha Elementary School chose Mia Rae Tipton-Olson to receive the October Teriffic Kid Honor for her outstanding behavior and improvement in academics. Great job Mia! Pictured with Mia are Janice Smith and Eric Oldham of the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club. Mia received a t-shirt, pencil, certificate and bumper sticker.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Winter is Coming Soon!

November 26: No meeting was held today due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Members were welcome to come for a round table instead.

November 19:
Today's meeting was quite busy as we had a number of special guests in attendance. John C. Martel, Kansas District Governor for Kiwanis, and his wife Bea came today as John was the guest speaker. We also had Kansas District 2 Lt. Governor Doug Clark, Don McFall, Roger Young, and Jerry Ketter of Sabetha and Keith & Elsie Kandt from the Lindsborg Kiwanis Club.

At the start of the meeting, John Severin spoke about the success of the pancake feed. Next, secretary Janice Smith gave a report about what the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club accomplished in the last year. Then Governor Martel spoke about his vision for Kansas Kiwanis while he is Governor and the many opportunities for Kiwanis Clubs in Kansas.

November 13th Pancake Feed: Annual Kiwanis Pancake Feed was held at the Hiawatha Middle School. Over 350 people were served. Gold coins were presented to Veterans in honor of their service and children were able to choose a toy as they entered the building. 4 Lawrence Kiwanians visited as an interclub as did several Kiwanians from Sabetha.

November 12: Randy Quinn introduced Captain Leupold and Master Sergeant Thompson of the US Army National Guard as today's guest speakers. Captain Leupold talked about peacekeeping efforts of their battalion while stationed in Egypt. He explained efforts in keeping the peace between Israel and Egypt at the border. Master Sergeant Thompson spoke about the Guard's work in the local community and the capabilities of their artillery unit.

The Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation presented Deb Ellis of NEK-CAP with a check for $5,000 for their Christmas Bureau. This money will be targeted specifically for those children aged 13 and older. John Severin reminded everyone of their pancake day responsibilities coming up on Saturday the 13th.

November 5: Linda Lock from Brown County Developmental Services (BCDS) and Tim Peterson were today's guest speakers. Linda Spoke about the BCDS equipment lending library (sponsored by Hiawatha Kiwanis) and how that library is being used. She also gave a brief history of BCDS and conducted an exercise to give Kiwanians an idea of what life would be like with a disability. Gretchen Randall's daughter Jacquelynne was visiting today.

November 3 Board Meeting: 9 members were in attendance for the noon meeting at Hiawatha Lodge. 160.25 volunteer hours were reported for October by 23 Kiwanians impacting 422 children. October attendance was down 8% from September and down 21% from October 2009. November featured Kiwanian is Jennifer Ploeger. 7 children rode the Kiwanis float with Melissa & Randy Quinn and Fonda LaFrenz; Jere Bruning drove. Terrific Kid / Student of Month were: Mia Rae Tipton-Olson and Dawson Hawks. Marla Aboujawdeh is a new co-member from Kex RX with Joe Koechner. An article regarding Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation's donation to "Little Hands, Inc." appeared in the latest edition of Kansas Kiwanian internet newsletter. November Pancake Day preparations are under way. A donation will be made to the Community Thanksgiving Dinner to be held at Baptist Church Family Life Center on Nov. 25th. Secretary read an email from Ks. District Gov. John Martel -- "....Kansas placed 3rd world-wide in positive member growth for the month of October..." Our Annual Club Gift will be sent to Kiwanis International. Authority was given to purchase a laptop computer for club use. Next meeting will be held December 1st at Hiawatha Lodge.

Monday, November 8, 2010

October Student of the Month

Dawson Hawks is the October Student of the Month at the Hiawatha Middle School. Dawson is a 5th grader and has shown outstanding achievement in academics, community service and was chosen to stand out above his peers by his teachers. Dawson receives a gift card to Subway and the movie theatre. Congrats Dawson.
Photo: Terry Smith, Kiwanis member, presents Dawson with his award.

Monday, November 1, 2010

2010 Kiwanis Pancake Day
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hiawatha Middle School
Tickets are $4.00
All Veterans and Children receive a gift at the door!

November Featured Kiwanian--Jennifer Ploeger

Jennifer Ploeger is November's Featured Kiwanian. Jennifer and her husband Heath recently had their first child, Kenzie. The reside in Morrill and Jennifer is employed by Kansas State University and works at the Brown County Extension Office. Jennifer enjoys the networking that Kiwanis offers as well as helping several children in the community. This year Jennifer is serving as the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club President. In her free time Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family, shopping and scrapbooking.