Monday, December 14, 2009


December 25 -- NO MEETING.

December 18 -- Spiritual Aims. Randy Quinn's speaker, Phil Duncan has been a Midwest Transplant Network Ambassador since early 2008 -- not long after his heart transplant at Saint Luke's Hospital in Kansas City in June 2007. His volunteer work with MTN and Gift of Life Foundation has made a real difference in getting the word out about the importance of organ and tissue donation. 2 guests present -- Eric Gustafson and Gretchen Randall.
December 11 -- Beckham Smith introduced George "Ty" Tyler as his speaker today. Ty gave a brief history of his road to becoming a jeweler and invited anyone that have needs to contact him. Ty also works as a reserve police officer for the City of Hiawatha. Janice and Peggy read thank you notes from Melster Family and First Baptist Church Mission Board for our donation to the 2009 Community Thanksgiving Dinner and from Brown County 4-H Council for the club's donation. Eric Gustafson and Gretchen were visitors again today.

December 4 -- Guests introduced today were Eric Gustafson and Gretchen Randall. John Severin presented today's program on the woes of the the local school district. Janice Smith, club secretary, gave a board meeting update. A reminder was made to drop off items to the Rainbow office for items to be sent to the 425 area soldiers from the 2nd-130th FA now serving in Egypt.

December 2 Board Meeting -- 9 members were present as we met at Laurie Beth's today. 165.5 volunteer hours were turned in for the month of November by 25 Kiwanians impacting 273 children. November attendance was 76% -- an all-time high for the past three years. Those with 100% attendance for the month: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Hallee Edwards, Joe Koechner, Fonda LaFrenz, Del Larson, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Jennifer Ploeger, Lana Reigle, Mike Schmitt, John Severin, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, Terry Smith and Bee Strobel. Pancake was a success with $1380 being cleared -- but several Kiwanians still owe for their tickets. Night At the Cabin winner was Gretchen Oldham. Youth Services committee will be shopping, wrapping and delivering gifts to our two 'adopted families in the next two weeks -- 5 children will be impacted. Featured Kiwanian for December is Eric Oldham. Plans continue for our upcoming Membership Day on January 8th. Be sure to bring a guest to this meeting. Coourtney Brennan is the Hiawatha High School's HOBY representative. Club will sponsor a Youth Bowling Team with the Tuesday After School League effective immediatly. Club will donate 2 "Lucky Bears" in honor of Phoenix Entriken to the Hiawatha Hospital. Next meeting will be January 6, 2010.

Eric Oldham -- December's Featured Kiwanian.
Eric works for the Brown County Historical Society as the Director / Curator. He and his wife, Gretchen, moved to Hiawatha in 2007. They have two children. When Eric isn't spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing. Eric enjoys the camaraderie we have as well as the ability to help many children through our efforts as Kiwanis members.

Monday, November 16, 2009

NOVEMBER, 2009 -- Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

November 27th -- No Meeting - Round Table for those of you that wish to come.

November 20th Meeting -- Spiritual Aims day with Randy Quinn's speaker - Janice McCue. She gave us an update on their TAG organization (Totally Awesome Group) for mentally / physically handicapped persons. We would like to see a group similar to that under the auspices of our local Kiwanis be formed in Brown County at some point in the future. Rhonda Quinn was a guest today. Following discussion it was the consensus of the members present that next year's Pancake Day time be changed to 6 a.m. to Noon. HKF announced that a $1500 Rance Hixson Scholarship will be set up for a graduate of Hiawatha High School that is in their 3rd year of college studies and is renewable for one year.

November 14th Pancake Feed -- 265 people attended our annual pancake day held at Hiawatha Middle School. 6 Lawrence Kiwanis Club were visitors. Congratulations to the winning ticket holder in the "Night At The Cabin" raffle - Gretchen Oldham. The 20 Kiwanians working that day were tired, but happy to have such a nice turn out. Thank you to the community for supporting our efforts in "serving the children".

November 13 Meeting -- Following board update by secretary, Mike Schmitt introduced Horton City Administrator, Jim Whisenant to speak on the City of Horton's Mission Lake Restoration Project. 18 members & 1 guest - Del Larson's daughter, Teresa - were present.

November 11 Board Meeting -- October attendance was 67% -- up 3 % from previous month and also the highest member involvement over the past year. 100% attendance: Boswell, Bruning, Koechner, LaFrenz, Nelson, Ploeger, B. Smith, J.E. Smith, T. Smith, Strobel. Drawing for "Night at Cabin" ticket will be 12:30 at Pancake Feed. 8 children and 6 Kiwanians rode / walked in the Halloween Parade. Club was invited to participate in the Jingle Bell Ride on Nov. 15th. Featured Kiwanian for October - Peggy Kolb; for November - Terry Smith. Membership drive plans reviewed for our January 8, 2010 meeting. Reviewed the committee workday findings. Donated $25 to Community Thanksgiving Dinner to be held at First Baptist Church. December board meeting will be December 2nd at Pizza Hut Meeting Room, noon.

November 6 Meeting -- Jennifer Ploeger introduced her speaker, David Key, Meadowlark District Extension Agent. David shared his role in Community Development not only in the Meadowlark District, but also in Brown County. David serves on several boards that work with potential and current business owners. Lana Reigle invited members to attend the Skate Park Opening tomorrow. 16 members present.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy New 'Club' Year!!! -- October 2009

October 31 Halloween Parade Entry

October 30 Meeting -- Our prayers were with Peggy Kolb as she underwent surgery today. 17 members & 4 Sabetha Kiwanians (Roberts, Girton, Feek & Ulrich) were present. Following the induction of Hallee Edwards, Carl Nelson introduced his speaker - Becky Rafferty - president of Little Hands, Inc.

October 23 Meeting -- Dave Nachtigal and his guest, DeeAnn Hinkle, described and illustrated the many changes being made to the exterior of the fitness center on the corner of 7th & Oregon in Hiawatha. 22 members and 1 guest -- 6 yr. old Jocelyn Erbert (Libby Troxell) were present.

October 16 Meeting -- Laurie Beth Neeman introduced her speaker, Janet Miller to the 19 members present. Miller is the Enterprise Facilitator for 5 Northeast Kansas counties. Working as a business coach, she has helped 550+ entrepreneurs representing an increase of 200+ jobs to 5 county area in the past 6 years.

October 9 Meeting -- Today's program was "Planning for a New Club Year" coordinated by Fonda LaFrenz and Janice Smith. 20 members, forming 3 groups -- Youth Services, Fundraising and Miscellaneous -- plotted out objectives for the 2009-2010 year and then reported their findings back to the coordinators. Among items discussed were our annual pancake feed, publicity, increasing membership, Terrific Kids, upcoming Halloween Parade Float riders, etc.

October 2 Meeting -- 18 members welcomed Kiwanis Lt. Governor Dan Gaumer today. Guests were Hallie Edwards and Anne Arnesen. Anne accepted a $1,000 check presented by Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation members to the Morrill Public Library to be used to purchase 130 autographed copies of Doreen Cronin's book "Wiggle" to be given to each family that attends her presentation in November. Pancake Day tickets were handed out by Chairman John Severin. Carl Nelson asked for volunteers to work at our "Night at the Cabin" booth at Maple Leaf Festival tomorrow. Lt. Gov. Gaumer presented 2008-2009 Perfect Attendance Awards to: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Peggy Kolb, Carl Nelson, Beckham Smith, Bee Strobel and Janice Smith. Jason Smith was announced as the 2008-09 Hiawatha Kiwanis Volunteer of the Year with 203 hours impacting 775 children. Gaumer then installed the new officers for the 2009-2010 Club Year: President, Fonda LaFrenz; Vice President - Jennifer Ploeger, Secretary - Janice Smith, Treasurer - Peggy Kolb, and Board Members -- Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, and Bee Strobel. Board Member Justin Fluke was not present. Jennifer Ploeger introduced today's speaker - Paul Bridenstine of Dillon's Construction.

NOTE: 100% Perfect Attendance is calculated by attendance at 50 or more meetings during the 2008-2009 club year (weekly meetings, club board meetings, foundation board meetings, interclub meetings, officer training, conventions, plus participation in Pancake Feed, Fun Day at the Park, Halloween Parade, Valentine Party, or club member funeral, etc.).

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September's FALL Meeting Updates .....

September 25 Meeting -- 20 members were present as Jim Prescott of Trans-Canada Pipeline spoke on the progress of work in the area.

September 18 Meeting -- Del Larson introduced Karla Harter of Brown County Health Department as his speaker. She gave members an update on the flu. Bee Strobel gave members a short quiz on growing old. Guests today were Sue Korthanke and Lana Riegle. 18 members were in attendance.

September 11 Meeting -- A moment of scilence in memory of 9-11 was held today. Terry Smith was inducted into the club by President, Sean Binkley and sponsor, Fonda Lafrenz. Following his induction, Terry - City of Hiawatha Recreation Leader - presented a program telling of the many recreation programs available. His favorite activity is umpiring. Secretary gave a Board Meeting update. 17 members were in attendance.

Terry Smith

September 9th Board Meeting -- The 2009-2010 Budget was finalized today by 6 board members. 19 Kiwanians volunteered 116 hours impacting 203 children during the month of August; and our attendance was up 11% over the previous month due to Fun Day at the Park and an Interclub visit to Sabetha. 15 members had 100% attendance: Chad Bachman, Troy Boswell, Jere Bruning, Fonda LaFrenz, Delbert Larson, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Jennifer Ploeger, Randy Quinn, Mike Schmitt, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith and Yola Bee Strobel. Plans are being made to have a booth at Maple Leaf Festival with a "Night At the Cabin" raffle and also to have an entry in the Halloween Evening Parade. Joe Koechner has agreed to serve on the board for an additional 3 years and Justin Fluke will also be coming onto the board as of October 1st. Conversation continued regarding the installation of something at the Kiwanis Kiddie Korral in memory of Rance Hixson, with Fonda and Bee to visit with Terry Smith as to what he feels is still needed. 2009-2010 Committee Chairman assignments were made and can be viewed in the right column of this blog.

September 4 Meeting -- George Bauer, District Sales Representative for Mycogen Seeds presented a program on 'Biotechnology -- improving food / grain production for the next 50 to 100 years'. Congratulations to the Sabetha Kiwanis Club for completing their 100% Interclub attendance today with Ann Busch, John Feek, Maridel Wittmer and Bert White in attendance, as well as Terry Smith & 14 Hiawatha Kiwanians.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August Meeting Updates .....

August 28 Meeting -- "What is compounding?" Answer by Kim Nolte, Parmacist: "A method of preparing customized medications to help meet unique physician and patient needs." 18 members and one guest - Alex Bingman of KMZA Radio listened and asked many pertinent questions. A thank you note was read from scholarship winner Daniel Kruse. A reminder that all members are invited to attend as the board wrestles with the upcoming club year's budget on Wednesday, September 2nd at Gus Restaurant at noon.
August 21 Meeting -- Brown County Commissioner Warren Ploeger brought the 15 members and 1 guest (Terry Smith) up-to-date on the construction of the new Brown County Jail. Secretary read a thank you note from Amber Hatfield for our Relay for Life donation.
August 20 Interclub Trip -- Del Larson, Interclub chairman set up a visit to the Sabetha club. Those attending were: Del, Carl Nelson, Yola Bee Strobel and Janice Smith. Very good food and interesting speaker. Wish you could have been with us!
August 14 Meeting -- Vice President, Fonda LaFrenz welcomed 5 Kiwanians from Sabetha (Paul Tedman, Ralph Tennel, Dan Wenger, Bob Huber & Doug Witaker) and her guest, Terry Smith. She also gave a report on the State Convention she attended last weekend in Kansas City. 15 members were in attendance to hear Sue Korthanke, Director of Vintage Park, give an update on her facility. An additional 6 members signed the committee assignment sheet for next club year.
August 7 Meeting -- Club secretary Janice Smith gave a brief synopsis of the August 5th Board Meeting and passed around the committee signup sheet for the upcoming 2009-2010 club year. Beckham Smith introduced the new Morrill Public Library Director, Eric Gustafson. Janice read "Once Upon A Time...." reminding everyone to 'always be positive and to be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams'! 12 members were in attendance.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


"This is great! And it's free!" was the comment heard many times from children and parents attending the 2nd Annual Kiwanis "Kid's Fun Day At The Park" held August 1st at the Hiawatha Kiddie Korral located at Noble Park. 244 hot dogs, chips, pop and ice cream were served. Old-fashion games of bean bag toss, ring the bottle, croquet, hopscotch, hillbilly golf, and miniature golf were available. In addition, Petals the Clown made balloon animals and flowers, the Good Deeds Mini Horse Club gave carriage rides, and DeeAnn Hinkle painted many faces. Hiawatha Kiwanians thank all that assisted in putting on this fun day including Hiawatha FFA Club and Boy Scout Troop #313, the many businesses that donated merchandise; as well as those in attendance that contributed to the 'free will' jar that goes towards providing high school senior college scholarships. It was a great way to celebrate the end of summer vacation before the kids go back to school. See you next year....

July Kiwanis Meetings .....

July 31 Meeting -- We were very happy to welcome our guests today -- Kansas Kiwanis Division 2 Lt. Gov. Dan Gaumer and 4 fellow Lawrence Kiwanians; and former Hiawatha Kiwanian Bev Sunderman. Troy Boswell introduced his speaker - Joni Spellmeier, Director of RSVP of Northeast Kansas. Joni described the many volunteer programs they provide .... Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Medicare Consultants, Intergenerational Programs, Cyber Seniors, Classroom Buddies, Nutrition Sites, Pen Pals, Visitation, Transportation, Freezer Meals for Seniors, Red Cross Bloodmobile, Newsletters, Telephone Companions, and Meals on Wheels to name a few. They are looking for volunteers in the Hiawatha area -- if you are interested please call Joni at 785-562-2154. And remember, you can turn these volunteer hours in to Janice Smith to report on the monthly Kiwanis reports. Discussion of preparations for tomorrow's Kiwanis Kids Fun Day at the Park was finalized.
July 24 Meeting -- 17 Kiwanians and 1 guest, Haley Edwards, listened to Julie James' presentation on the NRCS Conservation Earth Day Celebration held for area elementary school-aged children in April at the lake. Julie was introduced by Fonda LaFrenz.
July 17 Meeting -- Laura Fortmyer, volunteer with Second Harvest and in conjunction with North Brown County Food Pantry located at First Baptist Church in Hiawatha, was introduced by Chad Bachman. If anyone is interested in donating or working at the 'pantry' please give her (467-8041) or the church (742-3423) a call. 14 members were in attendance.

IN MEMORY OF RANCE HIXSON -- born June 6, 1940 in Hiawatha, Kansas to Dudley and Dorothy Herman Hixson, Rance died July 10, 2009 at Maple Heights Nursing Center at the age of 69. He joined Kiwanis on May 18, 1965 and served in many capacities including president, vice-president, and board member for many years. He was also instrumental in forming the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation so that money FROM the community would be used to support the children IN our community. He was a strong leader for the City of Hiawatha as a member & treasurer of HFED for many years helping in bringing new industries to town, and assisting in the restoring of street lights for the city. His love for his grandkids, Studebakers and whistling while walking is well known. Rance is survived by his mother, sister - Janiece (Ken) Spencer, wife - Janet, children - Pam (Terry) Smith and Eric (Kerry Hixson), grandchildren - Jena, Cody, Ryker, Cassie, Jared, Dillon and Haley, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father and a granddaughter. Memorial contributions may be made to the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation (see Foundation members on the right of this page).
July 10 Meeting -- Ted Starr introduced Jim Bush to update members on the Francis Sewell Plamann History Center (formerly know as Hiawatha Clock Tower Building). 17 members and 2 guests - Daycee Binkley and Melissa Quinn - were in attendance.

July 8th Board Meeting -- 7 board members finalized plans for the upcoming Fun Day At the Park to be held August 1st -- 10 A.M. thru 1:30 P.M. Janice Smith will have a work signup sheet at the remaining July Friday club meetings for Kiwanians to determine when they will be helping with Fun Day. Be sure to give her a call if you are unable to attend a meeting. Janice and Fonda were given $100 each to cover expenses to attend the Kansas District Kiwanis Convention in August. 15 Kiwanians volunteered 125 hours impacting 219 children during the month of June. June attendance was up 3% over the previous month, but 3rd quarter attendance was down 15%. Congratulations to 8 members having 3rd quarter 100% attendance: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Janice Smith and Yola Bee Strobel.

July 3 Meeting -- Eleven members and 5 guests were present to view Chad O'Brien 's presentation on a mission trip to Port Arthur, Texas area sponsored by the Roanoke, Texas St. Peter Lutheran Church to assist in repairing homes damaged by hurricanes last year. Three adults and seven high school students participated. Beckham Smith introduced O'Brien. Guests were: Michelle, Kimberly and Brenna O'Brien, Tyler Bailey and Melissa Quinn.

Friday, June 19, 2009

2009 Business Excellence Award --

Hiawatha Kiwanis Club and Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation received the 2009 Business Excellence Award in the NonProfit Division for Northeast Kansas at their June 19th Kiwanis Meeting from the Kansas Department of Commerce. HFED nominated Kiwanis and the award was accepted by Janice Smith, club secretary, and Carl Nelson, foundation president. HFED members Steve Smith and Sheila Schwalm also assisted in the presentation.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

JUNE in review .....

June 26 Meeting -- Eric Oldham, Brown County Historical Society Director, received a $3,000 check from the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation to be used by 2 former school teachers to present a one day reenactment for 3rd graders across the county, using slate boards, chalk, etc. as in the 'olden days' in the old one-room schoolhouse located at the Ag Museum in Hiawatha. Jason Smith introduced Angie Crider who spoke on the start of Rainbow Communications with 8 employees to the present 50, company upgrades and constant changes in the communication business. Meeting was conducted by Peggy Kolb with 13 members present.

June 19 Meeting -- 15 Kiwanians and 4 guests were present as Hiawatha Kiwanis Club & Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation were presented with the 2009 Business Excellence Award from Kansas Department of Commerce. Following a board update to members by Secretary Janice Smith, Beckham Smith introduced his speaker, Dr. Craig Mosher, Executive Assistant - Highland Community College. Dr. Mosher gave an overview of HCC. A thank you note was read from Heidi Diller for the donation received from the Foundation for Orff instruments to be used in the music department at Hiawatha Elementary School.

June 17 Board Meeting Synopsis -- 8 board members present. MAY information: 163.5 hours were volunteered by 25 Kiwanians impacting 212 children in our community. Attendance was down 10% from previous month; Those having 100% meeting attendance were -- Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, and Yola Bee Strobel. 12 members did not attend a meeting. A thank you note was read from Jeb Moore for the scholarship presented to him in May. Kiwanis “Kid Fun Day at the Park -- FIESTA” will be held August 1 at the Kiwanis Kiddie Korral west of Noble Field featuring hot dogs, ice cream and ‘old fashion fun games’ for the children. Board members reviewed information gathered at the May 29th club “committee meeting day” in preparation for the FIESTA. Fonda LaFrenz and Janice Smith will be attending the Kansas District Kiwanis International District Convention being held August 7-9 in Kansas City, Kansas. A synopsis of the 4 Proposed Amendments for Kiwanis Insternational was read with attendees of the Kiwanis International Convention in Nashville to make the final decision next weekend. Next board meeting will be July 1 at Gus’s Family Restaurant.

June 12 meeting– Heidi Diller, Hiawatha Elementary music instructor, demonstrated the small percussion instruments that Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation purchased for the school. Pat Loyd and Eric Oldham assisted in the demonstration. Guests were Dayce Binkley and Jeanie Pemberton. 14 members present.

June 5 meeting– Mike Schmitt introduced Dustin Williams and Hilary Boye to speak on the SANE/SART Program -- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner / Sexual Assault Response Team for the area. 12 members were present. Board meeting has been rescheduled to June 17th.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation (HKF) Board update

Our last HKF Board meeting was 4/29/09. The Board heard three requests. We pledged funds to be used for the purchase of equipment to the Hiawatha Skate Park project. We donated to the Pony Express Big Brothers Big Sisters organization to help with research costs of getting more "Bigs" in the program. The third request was for musical equipment purchases for the USD 415 Grade School music department. HKF will be donating for the purchase of approximately 20 Orff instruments. Google "Orff Instrument" and you'll figure it out!
All three requests stay close to the Board's goals of assisting those groups who directly affect the community's kids.
Best regards, Troy Boswell, HKF Secretary.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Terrific Kid" for 3rd Quarter of 2008-2009 School Year

Third quarter "Kiwanis Terrific Kid" is Aleece Arnold. She received her certificate, pencil, t-shirt and bumper sticker at the May 22nd club meeting. Her grandmother and mother are in the upper right hand corner of the picture. We are very proud of our Terrific Kids and know they will continue to be "terrific kids" both at school and elsewhere.

Hiawatha Kiwanis Club Scholarship Winners

On Friday, May 16th the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club presented 4 High School Seniors with certificates honoring them as 2009 Kiwanis Scholarship Winners -- Daniel Kruse, Jeb Moore, Alayna Tanking and Jacob Wisdom. Congratulations to each of you!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Kiwanians needed to attend District Convention....

The Kansas District Convention is scheduled for August 7-9 in Kansas City, Kansas. Fonda LaFrenz and Janice Smith plan on attending, but we are still needing one more delegate (with voting priviledges) and 2 alternates. If you would like to go, please contact Janice ASAP as we must turn names in by July 1st. This is a great way to learn how Kiwanis works at the District / State / International levels.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

From the desk of the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation Secretary

I'm not sure about this whole Internet thing. I think it's just a phase. I will however post on the latest news from the HKF board shortly. We have pledged some money recently to local organizations that should do some real good for the community. Until then, keep up the good work.
Troy Boswell

MAY In Review . . . . .

May 29 meeting– Today was our 2nd 'Committee Meeting Workday' to aprise members of duties for the Kiwanis Kids Fun Day At The Park to be held August 1st at Kiddie Korral. 18 members were present.

May 22 meeting– We had many visitors again today ….. Our 3rd Quarter Terrific Kid – Aleece Arnold was presented with a certificate, pencil, t-shirt and bumper sticker. She had her grandmother and stepmother present. There were also 8 Sabetha Kiwanians present. Bee Strobel provided today’s program by reading “Memorial Day History” and the “History of Taps”. We were all reminded to keep Rance Hixson in our thoughts and prayers – he had fallen and broken his arm this past week and is hospitalized. 12 members were present.

May 16 meeting– Today we had the 4 Kiwanis Scholarship winners present – Alayna Tanking, Jacob Wisdom, Daniel Kruse and Jeb Moore. Janice Smith presented each with a certificate for $250 to go towards their college/vo-tech education this next school year. Parents present were – Charlotte & Dwight Kruse and Joy Moore. Carl Nelson introduced Dr. Pete Rosa speaking on his family’s Homes for the Homeless Family Mission Trip to Renosa, Mexico last summer. 13 members present.

May 8th Meeting -- Janice Smith, club secretary, conducted the meeting in the absence of the president as well as reported on Wednesday's Board Meeting results stating that May 29th we would be having a Committee Planning time allotted to work on details for the upcoming August 1st “Annual Fun Day At the Park - Fiesta”. 8 employees of PRTS, LLC were guests today -- Carolyn Rosenberger, Amanda Clary, Kristel Bontrager, Ashley Killoren, DeAnn Hinkle, Brian Voos, Laurie Nachtigal and Jack O'Toole (Laurie's father). Dave Nachtigal, Brian, Amanda, Kristel and DeAnn described many of the programs going on in their 'world' of physical, occupational and respiratory therapy including "i Live" which is a new fun, interactive after school activity and exercise program for ages 12 through 18, "Next Level" program for ages junior high thru high school in agility, cardiovascular and weight training, Pediatrics and "Be An 11" character building and goal setting program. Very informative. 13 Kiwanians present.

May 6th Board Meeting Synopsis -- 8 board members were in attendance. APRIL information: 139.5 hours were volunteered by 18 Kiwanians impacting 478 children in our community; Attendance was down 6% from previous month; Those have 100% meeting attendance were -- Chad Bachman, Troy Boswell, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, and Yola Bee Strobel. Congratulations to Alayna Tanking, Jacob Wisdom, Daniel Kruse and Jebediah Moore for winning Kiwanis Scholarships! “Fun Day at the Park Fiesta” -- will be held August 1, 2009 featuring ‘old fashion fun games’ for the children with May 29th being a club “committee meeting day” to finalize assignments for the Fiesta. A thank you note was read from the Hiawatha Chamber of Commerce to Kiwanis for the assistance provided at the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Secretary, Janice Smith, noted that she had received the initial information for the Kansas District Kiwanis International District Convention to be held August 7-9 in Kansas City, Kansas. At this time, Fonda LaFrenz and Janice will be attending, but we are still needing an additional delegate plus alternates and will open it to club members at the upcoming Friday meeting. Kiwanis will be contributing money to assist the Hiawatha Fire Department in providing fire safety education materials for 30 children, pre-school thru sixth grade. Next meeting will be June 3rd at Gus’s Family Restaurant.

May 1 – Happy May Day everyone. Northeast Kansas Hospice Director, Dr. Bryon Bigham, was our speaker today – introduced by Pat Loyd. Much insite was given to the 15 members and 1 guest, Dewey Strobel.

Friday, April 10, 2009

APRIL Updates ...

April 24 -- Doug and Jeryl Grimm explained the process of producing the "Hiawatha Maple Tree". He has several still available at the Grimm Nursery. We are very proud of the work he has done to have a tree to represent our town.

April 17 -- Nancy Larson was a guest today. Del Larson introduced our speakers: Denise Wolney and Lori Rieger, who described the financial aspects of nursing home; striving for postiive attitude in a negative industry; human relations aspect of staff working to make residents feel comfortable, relaxed and attending to their needs.

April 10th -- Randy Quinn introduced Michael and Cindy Dean from Sabetha as today's program: "My Friend's House", a discipleship house located in Sabetha working with "...those with alcohol and drug sins in their life". Please contact them at for an up-to-date list of their needs for the house. Election of officers for the 2009-2010 year was held: President - Fonda LaFrenz; Vice-President - Jennifer Ploeger; Secretary - Janice Smith; Treasurer - Peggy Kolb; Past-President - Sean Binkley; Board Members - Chad Bachman (2010), Jere Bruning (2010), Yola Bee Strobel (2010), Justin Fluke (2011) and Joe Koechner (2012). 5 Kiwanians have offered to help with the Chamber's Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow morning.

April 3rd -- Troy Boswell spoke on the economy vs. the banking business. Tim Peterson was a guest. 22 members present -- that ties our previous high from last month.

April 1st Board Meeting Synopsis: 5 members in attendance. Following approval of treasurer’s report and minutes, members reviewed the monthly / quarterly / 1st half volunteer hours and attendance. Volunteer hour totals to date for this club year are: 834.5 by 23 Kiwanians impacting 1330 kids in our community. Attendance is up 9% over last quarter. 100% attendance to date for this club year goes to: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, and Yola Bee Strobel. Lana Riegle was approved as a new Kiwanian. A Slate of Officers for the 2009-2010 club year will be announced at the April 3rd meeting. A “Fun Day at the Park Fiesta” will be held late summer 2009 featuring ‘old fashion fun games’ of bean bag toss, ring the bottle, pop the balloon, coin in the box, etc.; club members will be advised of their responsibilities. The Hiawatha Newsletter will no longer be published; however, information covered there will now be listed on this blog site. Thank you to Jere Bruning and Janice Smith for assisting at the Community Blood Drive on March 26. We will once again be contributing to Relay for Life. Next board meeting will be May 6th at Gus’s Family Restaurant.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New signs

To the ones that took care of fixing the old signs and installing all 3 signs, You did great. They look so much better. Thanks for doing this. Peggy

Welcome New Kiwanians - Eric Oldham and Randy Quinn

This blog will be taking the place of the monthly Kiwanis newsletter effective today.

March Happenings –
March 4th Board Meeting synopsis:
6 members in attendance. February Volunteer hours totaled 81.5 hours by 16 Kiwanians impacting 136 children. February attendance was up 21% over previous month and the HIGHEST in 3 YEARS!! Following committee reports and the reading of donation thank you notes, Jere Bruning was appointed to fulfill Joe Armstrong’s term on the board. The new double-sided Kiwanis road signs have been received and a committee of Carl Nelson, Jere Bruning, Fonda LaFrenz, John Moore, Kevin Hill and Joe Armstrong are now responsible for revamping the old signs and replacing them at the three entrances to Hiawatha. Eric Oldham and Randy Quinn were approved as new Kiwanians. Community Analysis results reviewed. Fun Day at the Park was tabled till next month due to lack of time.
Friday Meetings –Troy Howard, Assistant Manager of Hiawatha Wal-Mart, explained how the “Site to Store” program works; John Severin gave a school finance update; Fonda LaFrenz introduced her family (Joel, Holly, Laney, Jacob and Karisa Davis) and Joel told of the many joys of adoption; and Hiawatha Skate Park Committee members Lana Riegle and Jeremy Stover gave a slide presentation on the proposed skate park.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kiwanis Helping the School

From the Hiawatha World Online:
Kiwanis Gives $47K for School Sound System

Kevin Hill, with the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation, gives Hiawatha band instructor Damian Johnson a check for $47,000 from the foundation for the purpose of replacing the sound system at the high school. Also pictured, in back are Kiwanis Foundation members Carl Nelson, left and Troy Boswell. (photo by Joey May)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grade School Playground Equipment

My job was to ask the realtors what they thought Hiawatha needed. Evidently the playground equipment at the elementary school had been vandalized. We might try to help the young group that is working on this. Peggy

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why join Hiawatha Kiwanis?

Hiawatha Kiwanis is a great group. A group of caring individuals who want to give the youth of our community an opportunity to excel. The organization gives Hiawatha newcomers a way to become involved and meet people.

Preserve the future of Hiawatha by joining to help support our young people to grow into quality citizens.

Fonda Lafrenz, Vice President Hiawatha Kiwanis

Friday, February 20, 2009

I am so glad for the speakers each week for our meetings. I am also happy our attendance is up, and our committees are getting more active. I have been Kiwanis since 1991 and was the Secretary for 14 years. I am not sure what the members want for this blog so gave a bit of history of me. I am very appreciative of being in Kiwanis, a great organization. Bee Strobel

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Youth Services Committee Report --

The Hiawatha Kiwanis Club actively works to benefiting the youth of our community. Some of the projects we have completed in the last year include Adopt a Family and Terrific Kids. Through the Adopt a Family service project the club “adopts” a family that has been recommended by the staff at the elementary school that could benefit from extra help during the Holiday season in providing their family members a Merry Christmas. This is a project the club has undertaken for years and is happy to continue. Another project that just kicked off this year is the Terrific Kids program. Currently the program distinguishes one student per quarter in the fourth grade class. The student is recognized for displaying good character, self-esteem, and perseverance. They may have also showed improved behavior, peer relationships, attendance and schoolwork.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thanks to .....

I want to thank Chad & Becky Bachman for all their work in getting our new blog up and running. Our board members had discussed doing this at our last board meeting as a method of keeping our members and the community posted on what we are doing. This was also one of our weak "points" when we conducted a survey several weeks ago -- more item to check off our list.

Also, thank you to Peggy and Jennifer for putting together our homemade 'goodie' baskets that we used as door prizes at the Valentine Party last night. Winners included: Mike Neeman, Becky Bachman and Fonda LaFrenz. In addition, Peggy made candy that was given to each of the couples present. Fonda and I decorated the tables. Laurie Beth had great food and everyone enjoyed themselves. 20 members and guests were present. Sorry the rest of you were not able to make it. Chad has included pictures from last night's event.

---Janice Smith, Kiwanis Secretary