Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MAY In Review . . . . .

May 29 meeting– Today was our 2nd 'Committee Meeting Workday' to aprise members of duties for the Kiwanis Kids Fun Day At The Park to be held August 1st at Kiddie Korral. 18 members were present.

May 22 meeting– We had many visitors again today ….. Our 3rd Quarter Terrific Kid – Aleece Arnold was presented with a certificate, pencil, t-shirt and bumper sticker. She had her grandmother and stepmother present. There were also 8 Sabetha Kiwanians present. Bee Strobel provided today’s program by reading “Memorial Day History” and the “History of Taps”. We were all reminded to keep Rance Hixson in our thoughts and prayers – he had fallen and broken his arm this past week and is hospitalized. 12 members were present.

May 16 meeting– Today we had the 4 Kiwanis Scholarship winners present – Alayna Tanking, Jacob Wisdom, Daniel Kruse and Jeb Moore. Janice Smith presented each with a certificate for $250 to go towards their college/vo-tech education this next school year. Parents present were – Charlotte & Dwight Kruse and Joy Moore. Carl Nelson introduced Dr. Pete Rosa speaking on his family’s Homes for the Homeless Family Mission Trip to Renosa, Mexico last summer. 13 members present.

May 8th Meeting -- Janice Smith, club secretary, conducted the meeting in the absence of the president as well as reported on Wednesday's Board Meeting results stating that May 29th we would be having a Committee Planning time allotted to work on details for the upcoming August 1st “Annual Fun Day At the Park - Fiesta”. 8 employees of PRTS, LLC were guests today -- Carolyn Rosenberger, Amanda Clary, Kristel Bontrager, Ashley Killoren, DeAnn Hinkle, Brian Voos, Laurie Nachtigal and Jack O'Toole (Laurie's father). Dave Nachtigal, Brian, Amanda, Kristel and DeAnn described many of the programs going on in their 'world' of physical, occupational and respiratory therapy including "i Live" which is a new fun, interactive after school activity and exercise program for ages 12 through 18, "Next Level" program for ages junior high thru high school in agility, cardiovascular and weight training, Pediatrics and "Be An 11" character building and goal setting program. Very informative. 13 Kiwanians present.

May 6th Board Meeting Synopsis -- 8 board members were in attendance. APRIL information: 139.5 hours were volunteered by 18 Kiwanians impacting 478 children in our community; Attendance was down 6% from previous month; Those have 100% meeting attendance were -- Chad Bachman, Troy Boswell, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, and Yola Bee Strobel. Congratulations to Alayna Tanking, Jacob Wisdom, Daniel Kruse and Jebediah Moore for winning Kiwanis Scholarships! “Fun Day at the Park Fiesta” -- will be held August 1, 2009 featuring ‘old fashion fun games’ for the children with May 29th being a club “committee meeting day” to finalize assignments for the Fiesta. A thank you note was read from the Hiawatha Chamber of Commerce to Kiwanis for the assistance provided at the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Secretary, Janice Smith, noted that she had received the initial information for the Kansas District Kiwanis International District Convention to be held August 7-9 in Kansas City, Kansas. At this time, Fonda LaFrenz and Janice will be attending, but we are still needing an additional delegate plus alternates and will open it to club members at the upcoming Friday meeting. Kiwanis will be contributing money to assist the Hiawatha Fire Department in providing fire safety education materials for 30 children, pre-school thru sixth grade. Next meeting will be June 3rd at Gus’s Family Restaurant.

May 1 – Happy May Day everyone. Northeast Kansas Hospice Director, Dr. Bryon Bigham, was our speaker today – introduced by Pat Loyd. Much insite was given to the 15 members and 1 guest, Dewey Strobel.

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