Thursday, December 9, 2010

November Kiwanis Terrific Kid

Terry Snyder is the November Kiwanis Terrific Kid. Terry is a 4th grader at Hiawatha Elementary School and was chosen by the 4th grade teachers for his overall performance as a student. Terry receives a t-shirt, pencil and certificate for his hard work!

Kiwanis Student of the Month

November's Kiwanis' Student of the Month is Shania Gormley. Shania was chosen for this award by the staff at Hiawatha Middle School for standing out among her peers in academics, athletics, and community service. Shania receives a Subway Gift Card along with her movie pass from the Arrow Twin Theatre.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Brrrr.... It is definitely December.....

No meeting to be held on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve days -- December 24 & 31.

December 17 Meeting: Randy Quinn began the meeting with "O Bring Not Gold" as our Christmas Spiritual Aims. Today's speaker was Sonya Johnson from the Kansas Attorney General's Office with the topic of "Identity Theft". One of her points was that " should ONLY carry your driver's license and one credit card in your purse or billfold....and that all other forms of identification should be kept in a safe place at home to guard against identity theft...." An interclub from Sabetha Kiwanis were also in attendance -- Maridel Wittmer, Sherry McNary, Al Roberts and his wife Susan, Kelly Girten, Bob Schuman and Lt. Gov. Doug Clark.

Congratulations to Laurie Neemann on the birth of her second grandchild -- Caelyn Sophia Karr, born December 16.

December 10 Meeting: President Jennifer Ploeger kicked off the meeting by reading a thank you from Big Brothers Big Sisters. We also heard about the two families that Kiwanis adopted for Christmas this year.

Today's speakers were Venice Sloan and Lisa Brandt. They talked about the local alternative school program sponsored in part by the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation. The goal of this program is to help catch up students that have fallen behind and then reintegrate them back into the regular school system.

December 3 Meeting: We had several Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundations presentations today to start the meeting. County Sheriff John Merchant accepted $1500 on behalf of S.A.F.E. Kanza Mental Health was also present to accept a donation toward new playground equipment.

Next, Justin Fluke explained restaurant options for the annual Valentine's banquet. After a vote, it was decided that the 2011 banquet would be held at The Cabin on February 10th.

Following Justin's explanation, secretary Janice Smith read the report from the board meeting (see December 1 Board meeting).

Dr. Larson Introduced today's guest speaker, Jean Abeita, pharmacist at the hospital. She spoke on the importance of vaccinations even into your adult years. Also, she explained what shots adults should have.

December 1 Bd Meeting:
7 members met at the Hiawatha Lodge Restaurant at noon. 237 total Volunteer hours were reported by 30 Kiwanians that directly impacted 243 children for the month of November. November attendance was up 11% from previous month but down 9% for the same month last year. Those with 100% attendance for November were: Chad Bachman, Troy Boswell, Jere Bruning, Hallee Edwards, Eric Gustafson, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Ike Larson, John Moore, Carl Nelson, Jennifer Ploeger, Randy Quinn, John Severing, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, Terry Smith and Bee Strobel. December Featured Kiwanian is Randy Quinn. 359 individuals were severed at this year's Pancake Feed held Nov. 13. This is up a total of 94 from the previous year's count. 21 members gave a total of 66 hours to help with the 'Feed'. Monies raised from this project will be used to help fund the 4 high school scholarships given out in May. November's middle school Student of the Month is Shania Ghormley. We will be sponsoring 2 families with a total of 6 children for our Christmas Adopt-A-Family project. Our Annual Membership Day will be held February 4, 2011 with the Membership Committee in charge. Justin Fluke will be scheduling the annual Valentine Party with members to vote at the weekly meeting on his findings. ( February 10th at the Country Cabin was the results from the vote on December 3rd.) State and International will be contacted asking for Financial Reports. Atchison and Sabetha clubs will be invited to the December 17th meeting to hear a presentation on Identity Theft by the Attorney General's Office.

Please note that there will be no Kiwanis meeting on December 24th or December 31st due to the holidays. However, you are invited to come to a 'Round Table' both of those days.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Featured Kiwanian for December--Randy Quinn

Randy Quinn is the Featured Kiwanian for the month of December. Randy and his wife Ronda have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. They reside in Hiawatha. Randy currently serves as pastor of the 1st United Methodist Church and is retired from the Navy Reserves.

In Randy's spare time, he enjoys reading and music. Randy also enjoys listening to a variety of speakers each week at the Kiwanis meetings.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

October Teriffic Kid

The 4th Grade teachers at Hiawatha Elementary School chose Mia Rae Tipton-Olson to receive the October Teriffic Kid Honor for her outstanding behavior and improvement in academics. Great job Mia! Pictured with Mia are Janice Smith and Eric Oldham of the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club. Mia received a t-shirt, pencil, certificate and bumper sticker.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Winter is Coming Soon!

November 26: No meeting was held today due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Members were welcome to come for a round table instead.

November 19:
Today's meeting was quite busy as we had a number of special guests in attendance. John C. Martel, Kansas District Governor for Kiwanis, and his wife Bea came today as John was the guest speaker. We also had Kansas District 2 Lt. Governor Doug Clark, Don McFall, Roger Young, and Jerry Ketter of Sabetha and Keith & Elsie Kandt from the Lindsborg Kiwanis Club.

At the start of the meeting, John Severin spoke about the success of the pancake feed. Next, secretary Janice Smith gave a report about what the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club accomplished in the last year. Then Governor Martel spoke about his vision for Kansas Kiwanis while he is Governor and the many opportunities for Kiwanis Clubs in Kansas.

November 13th Pancake Feed: Annual Kiwanis Pancake Feed was held at the Hiawatha Middle School. Over 350 people were served. Gold coins were presented to Veterans in honor of their service and children were able to choose a toy as they entered the building. 4 Lawrence Kiwanians visited as an interclub as did several Kiwanians from Sabetha.

November 12: Randy Quinn introduced Captain Leupold and Master Sergeant Thompson of the US Army National Guard as today's guest speakers. Captain Leupold talked about peacekeeping efforts of their battalion while stationed in Egypt. He explained efforts in keeping the peace between Israel and Egypt at the border. Master Sergeant Thompson spoke about the Guard's work in the local community and the capabilities of their artillery unit.

The Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation presented Deb Ellis of NEK-CAP with a check for $5,000 for their Christmas Bureau. This money will be targeted specifically for those children aged 13 and older. John Severin reminded everyone of their pancake day responsibilities coming up on Saturday the 13th.

November 5: Linda Lock from Brown County Developmental Services (BCDS) and Tim Peterson were today's guest speakers. Linda Spoke about the BCDS equipment lending library (sponsored by Hiawatha Kiwanis) and how that library is being used. She also gave a brief history of BCDS and conducted an exercise to give Kiwanians an idea of what life would be like with a disability. Gretchen Randall's daughter Jacquelynne was visiting today.

November 3 Board Meeting: 9 members were in attendance for the noon meeting at Hiawatha Lodge. 160.25 volunteer hours were reported for October by 23 Kiwanians impacting 422 children. October attendance was down 8% from September and down 21% from October 2009. November featured Kiwanian is Jennifer Ploeger. 7 children rode the Kiwanis float with Melissa & Randy Quinn and Fonda LaFrenz; Jere Bruning drove. Terrific Kid / Student of Month were: Mia Rae Tipton-Olson and Dawson Hawks. Marla Aboujawdeh is a new co-member from Kex RX with Joe Koechner. An article regarding Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation's donation to "Little Hands, Inc." appeared in the latest edition of Kansas Kiwanian internet newsletter. November Pancake Day preparations are under way. A donation will be made to the Community Thanksgiving Dinner to be held at Baptist Church Family Life Center on Nov. 25th. Secretary read an email from Ks. District Gov. John Martel -- "....Kansas placed 3rd world-wide in positive member growth for the month of October..." Our Annual Club Gift will be sent to Kiwanis International. Authority was given to purchase a laptop computer for club use. Next meeting will be held December 1st at Hiawatha Lodge.

Monday, November 8, 2010

October Student of the Month

Dawson Hawks is the October Student of the Month at the Hiawatha Middle School. Dawson is a 5th grader and has shown outstanding achievement in academics, community service and was chosen to stand out above his peers by his teachers. Dawson receives a gift card to Subway and the movie theatre. Congrats Dawson.
Photo: Terry Smith, Kiwanis member, presents Dawson with his award.

Monday, November 1, 2010

2010 Kiwanis Pancake Day
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hiawatha Middle School
Tickets are $4.00
All Veterans and Children receive a gift at the door!

November Featured Kiwanian--Jennifer Ploeger

Jennifer Ploeger is November's Featured Kiwanian. Jennifer and her husband Heath recently had their first child, Kenzie. The reside in Morrill and Jennifer is employed by Kansas State University and works at the Brown County Extension Office. Jennifer enjoys the networking that Kiwanis offers as well as helping several children in the community. This year Jennifer is serving as the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club President. In her free time Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family, shopping and scrapbooking.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October's Featured Kiawanian--Terry Smith

October's Featured Kiwanian is Terry Smith. Terry and his wife Pam live in Hiawatha. Terry has 1 son, 1 stepdaughter and 1 stepson. He works for the City of Hiawatha and enjoys refereeing, coaching and watching sporting events.

Terry enjoys helping the children of his community through Kiwanis as well as the fellowship it offers during weekly meetings.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The New Year Begins ........

Kiwanis Float in Hiawatha Halloween Parade: Jere Bruning drove the float while Kiwanians Fonda LaFrenz and Randy Quinn kept an eye on the 7 energetic children that rode.
October 29: Sue Korthanke introduced Rosanna Smith, Marketing Director for Vintage Parks. A brief overview was given of assisted living and what it means to the community. No visitors - 17 members present. John Severin updated us on Pancake Feed Preparations. The secretary stated she would be sending out a 'call' by email for Halloween Parade candy walkers for our float. November board meeting will be next Wednesday, the 3rd of November.

October 22: We had no visitors today as it was a committee workday. Committee members met to form a plan of action for their committees throughout the coming year.

October 15: Today was our first meeting at the Hiawatha Lodge, No visitors were present but Past President Fonda LaFrenz spoke about Little hands child development center.

Congratulations to fellow Kiwanian Great Grandma Yola Bee Strobel -- A great granddaughter was born on October 10, 2010 and named Piper Bee.

October 8:
Today's speaker was Kiwanian Kevin Hill who spoke about his family's trip to Ethiopia to adopt their daughter Audrey. We also received the sad news that Laurie Beth's was closing effective 2 PM on October 8th. Several new meeting places were discussed with the members present deciding that Kiwanis would like to meet at the Hiawatha Lodge if possible. Other options included bringing sack lunches at meeting at the Library or the Fisher Center.

October 5 Board Meeting: 9 members were present.
September Volunteer Hours -- 156.6 hours by 27 Kiwanians that directly impacted 191 children. Our September attendance was up 9% from previous month to 54%.....congratulations to those with 100% this month: Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Eric Gustafson, Del Larson, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Randy Quinn, Mike Schmitt, John Severin and Bee Strobel. October Featured Kiwanian is Terry Smith. The "Terrific Kid" program will be expanded to the Hiawatha Middle School. Stacy Leichti is our new member THRU the membership sharing program (club initiated in 2008-2009) under the auspices of Town & Country Ambulance and with Lana Reigle. We shall be contacting several individuals with below normal attendance to see if they wish to also participate in this 'membership sharing program'. Plans have begun for our club float for the Hiawatha Halloween Evening Parade. Cards of thanks received from Jim & Lana LaFrenz and Morrill Public Library. Gretchen Randall has been appointed as an assistant club secretary to 'job shadow' with the current secretary for a year prior to her taking the position full time. The 'Santa Jar' will make it's appearance on October 8 in place of the happy jar with funds being used for our Christmas Adopt A Family project. Next meeting will be November 3, 2010.

October 1st: Duties of thanking retiring officers, installing new officers as well as announcing the Hiawatha club Volunteer of the Year and Top Attendance for the past club year fell on the shoulders of Doug Clark, Division 2 Lt. Governor. Attending with him from Sabetha Kiwanis were Clancy Lippert, Brett Lukert, and Doug Whittaker. Other honored guests included Michelle O'Brien from Okinawa, Japan (Janice & Beckham's daugther), Stacy Liechti, Hiawatha Chamber Administrator, Kenzie, infant daughter of Jennifer Ploeger, and Gretchen Randall's infant nephew - Samuel. Today's speaker was Marla Oboujawdah, KexRx pharmacist, who spoke about the importance of vaccination.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Taste of Fall

September 24: Cindy Miller from the Alzheimer's Association spoke to the Hiawatha Kiawanis Club on what Alzheimer's Disease is, the risks factors, and resources that are available in our area for patients and caregivers. Today's 'Happy Jar' proceeds were gathered to be sent to Kiwanis International for the Project EliMiNaTe (MNT - Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus) in third world countries.
September 17: Bee Strobel read a "Summary of Life". Brad Edwards gave a Chamber of Commerce Update: Oct. 2nd Maple Leaf Festival. One of the new highlights will be a Hot Air Balloon at the Fisher Center from 9-11 a.m. IF the weather cooperates. Janice Smith read the "Sad Passing of the Pillsbury Doughboy". Happy Birthday to fellow Kiwanian, Jere Bruning!

September 13th the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation presented a check to Julie Splichal, science teacher at Hiawatha Middle School in the amount of $6,000 to be used for the Science Olympiad.

September 10: Local Kiwanians contributed to today's program -- Joe Koechner (Immunizations); Ike Larson (Candidate Debate); Jason Smith (Rainbow TV); Eric Oldham (Ag Museum One-Room Schoolhouse); Fonda LaFrenz (Community Day Care); and Eric Gustafson (Library's Mystery Book Club).

September 3: Today was quite a busy day! Lawrence Interclub members were introduced by visiting Kiwanis District Secretary, Rusty Thomas - John Saylor, Jim Walsh and Byron Gilmore. All three of these gentlemen have roots that started in the Northeast Kansas area. Mike Twombly was inducted by President LaFrenz while his sponsor, Hallee Edwards looked on. Janice Smith reported Board Meeting information to members. Troy Boswell introduced Teresa McAnerney, Facilitator for the Northeast Kansas Enterprise Facilitation. Teresa gave all present copies of the latest Entrepreneur Spotlight and encouraged members to become more involved in the program. Bee Strobel closed the meeting with "My Living Will". Following the meeting the HKF members met to discuss a grant application.

September 1 Board Meeting: 101 Volunteer hours by 24 Kiwanians that impacted 214 children was reported for the month of August. The August attendance was down 5% from previous month. Those members with 100% attendance during August were Eric Gustafson, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Janice Smith, Bee Strobel. Jere Bruning is our September 'Featured Kiwanian'. Received a thank you from NEK-CAP for the 283 items collected during our July Project: Kids School Supplies Collection. Finalized committees for the 2010-2011 club year were reviewed (they are now listed on the sidebar of this blog). October 22nd has been designated as our 'Club Committee Work Day' meeting. We will be donating to "The Power of Please' program being sponsored by the Hiawatha Chamber of Commerce for Hiawatha Elementary School students teaching " important it is to treat people with kindness and respect...." Each child will also receive a free copy of How to Get a Gorilla Out of Your Bathtub. We are planning to enlarge the Terrific Kid program into the 5th grade at the middle school as well as continue at the 4th grade level. Board accepted Dr. Sean Binkley's resignation. 2010-2011 Budget and Membership List reviewed and approved. Discussion of the 2010-11 Distinguished Club Criteria declared that the secretary should contact district level to express our concern with one of the changes for the new year.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Featured Kiwanian--Jere Bruning

This month's featured Kiwanian is Jere Bruning. Jere and his wife Patty are long time residents of Brown County. They have 4 daughters and 7 grandchildren. Jere has been retired for 18 years. Prior to retirement Jere was an avid farmer.
Jere enjoys working on his antique tractors and spending time with his family. He as been on 2 cruises with his family.
Jere enjoys helping children especially through the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Featured Kiwanian--Troy Boswell

August 27th: An interclub from Sabetha was present today -- Debbie Thompson, Doug Whittaker, Al Roberts and Joleen Wiltz. Welcome! Donna Willmeth with Link Mainstreet was introduced by Doug Weinberg. She is a website designer from Seneca.
August 20th: Chad Bachman introduced Larry Weast, Area Coordinator with Wildlife and Parks Department, as his speaker to 20 Kiwanians present. Larry travels the state of Kansas educating the public that 'Wildlife and Parks' is more than just fishing as he also provides information for all hunters.
August 17th: Welcome to our newest "Kiwanis child" -- Miss Kenzie Marie Ploeger was born at 4:35 a.m. today weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. Her parents are Heath and Jennifer Ploeger. Congratulations Mom and Dad!!!
August 13th: Local club members gave "City Updates". Bee Strobel read "Kidism's" and Janice Smith - "The Year is 1910". President LaFrenz's grandchildren, Dawn and Will, were her guests. 15 members present.

Troy Boswell is the August Featured Kiwanian. Troy and his wife Nicole live in Hiawatha with their 3 children. Troy is employed by Hiawatha National Bank and enjoys fishing and working on his car.

Troy likes that Kiwanis if community focused and he enjoys being involved in the community where he lives.

August 6th: Boy Scout Troop #313 representatives Payton Trosclair, Chris Jones and Asst. Leaders Jay Boyles and Tom Jones were presented with checks from the club. Libby Troxel introduced her speaker, Stephen Gilpin. Gilpin is an illustrator for children's books as well as cartoons, and other artwork. His weekly comic strip can be viewed at . 12 members were present.
August 4th Board Meeting: 9 members were present. 152 volunteer hours by 26 Kiwanians during the month of July impacted 94 children. Our July Attendance was up by 4% over the previous month -- with 9 members having 100% attendance. Brad Edwards will deliver the school supplies that have been collected from the community as our July project to NEK-CAP for their distribution to those in need. The September 24th Happy Jar Funds will be used as the club's donation to the International Project EliMiNaTe (MNT - Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus immunization program in third-world countries). Incoming President Jennifer Ploeger and the secretary will be making committee assignments for those members that have not advised us of their choice for the upcoming 2010-2011 club year. Boy Scout Troop #313 has been invited to attend the August 6th club meeting to receive their checks -- $1000 from Golf Tournament proceeds and in exchange for the troop 'policing' the Kiddie Korral grounds on a regular basis; our annual $100 donation to the troop; and $100 to be forwarded to Friends of Scouting. Mike Twomby was approved as a new member and assigned to the Youth Services Committee. The secretary is to contact the Hiawatha Chamber of Commerce regarding "The Power of Please Program" they are sponsoring for elementary children to see if we could defer our donation until after the first of October ..... if not, we will donate the money directly to the elementary school to be used as needed. Incoming Kansas District Kiwanis Governor John Martel is scheduled to provide the program at our November 19th meeting. Incoming officers will meet to work up the 2010-11 tentative budget to be presented at the September 1st board meeting.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

July 30th: Neil Wieland was introduced as today's speaker. He described his upcoming missionary trip to Slovakia where he will be teaching 24 English language classes a week at a bilingual Lutheran High School in Kosice and working with a team of other LCMS missionaries who serve nearby. Please pray for Neil as he serves the Lord in Slovakia. Mike Schmitt, Jere Bruning, Bee Strobel and Terry Smith went to Sabetha for an Interclub meeting on July 29th.
July 23rd: Alexa Sprick was presented with a $1500 Rance Hixson Memorial Scholarship from the Kiwanis Foundation at today's meeting. She is a Junior at Washburn University and hopes to study abroad before graduating. Michael Fee was not present to receive his scholarship. Terry Smith, Recretation/Park Director and fellow Kiwanian described the activities that have taken place this summer under his guidance. .
July 16th: 13 Kiwanians were present as Hallee Edwards presented Mike Twombly, Director / Producer of the Rainbow NEK Channel. We were the first to see the new commercial featuring Hallee describing the channel to the public.
JULY Project -- School Supplies for the Kids:

General supplies used by more than one grade --
-Boxes of Kleenex
-Zip-Loc Bags: Snack size, Quart freezer, Gallon freezer
-Wide lined Spiral Notebooks
-Steno Notebooks
-Regular Lead Pencils - #2 yellow 24-count box
-Prang watercolors
-Elmer's Glue: 4 ounce & large bottles
-Glue sticks
-Pink Pearl Erasers
-Crayolas - Box of 24
-Scissors - sharp point
-Sturdy Pocket Folder
-Yellow Highlighter (NOT marker)
-Dry-Erase Markers -- pencil size
-Colored Pencils - Pkg of 8 (NOT markers)
-Plastic Pencil Box -- approximately 5" x 8"
-Clorox Wipes - 75 count or larger

Preschool --
-Backpack (large enough for a change of clothes & a pocket folder)
-Boxes of washable markers

Second Grade --
-Sharpie markers - black

Third Grade --
-3 prong folders (with pockets on the bottom)

Fourth Grade --
-Dry-Erase Erasers
-Wide Lined Notebooks - 5-subject
-Sharpie pens - black
July 9th: Three guests were introduced -- Lorraine Clement, Art & Linda Jimeson. Secretary gave a report of the July 7th board meeting. 2010-11 Committee Sign-up sheet was passed around. If you have not yet signed up for a committee, please contact the secretary at . Beckham Smith announced that his speaker for the day was fellow Kiwanian Janice Smith, who gave a presentation on her 5-week visit to Okinawa Japan.

July 7th Kiwanis Board Meeting: 9 board members and 2 guests met. Old Business: 30 Kiwanians provided 303.5 volunteer hours that impacted 927 local children for the 6-week period from May 16 thru June 30, 2010. May attendance was down 3%; June down 9%. Those members with 100% attendance for May were: Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Eric Gustafson, Fonda LaFrenz, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith and Bee Strobel. 100% attendance for June -- Chad Bachman, Eric Gustafson, Carl Nelson, Beckham Smith and Bee Strobel. Committee members reported that the June 12th Kids Fun Day at the Park was a success and the " had a good time..."; however we were only able to show a Net Profit of $5.51 for the day. Thank you notes have been written to all community donors. 14 members were present for the Annual Membership Training led by Membership Chairman Michael Schmitt on June 18; was determined that we should have a second training this fall. President will contact the city once again about a location for us to post our Kiwanis sign on the North side of Hiawatha. New Businees: 2010-11 Committee Sign-up Sheet -- 19 members have yet to commit to a committee for this next club year. President will pass the sheet around at July 9th meeting and then incoming president & secretary will contact remaining members. Brad Edwards will have a "School Supply Donation Box" at his office starting next week. A list of supplies will be given to members as well as posted to this blog to help in collection these supplies for our club's July Project. Next board meeting will be August 4th, noon at Laurie Beth's.

July 2nd: Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation presented a check to Venice Sloan for the newly setup Juvenile Justice (ACE) program to serve approximately 30 at-risk students in the surrounding area. John Severin introduced Curt Weldon as his speaker. Curt, a 28 year veteran with the Army Reserves, explained his work during his latest deployment to Iraq.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Featured Kiwanian--John Moore

John Moore is July's Featured Kiwanian. John and his wife have 4 children and 4 grandchildren. John is the administrator at Hiawatha Community Hospital. As a part of Kiwanis, John enjoys being able to do things with children. In his spare time he enjoys playing golf, hunting and sailing. He is also an avid KU fan.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun Day at the Park...Success!

Despite a little rain at the beginning, it was a successful day!

Monday, June 7, 2010








Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Featured Kiwanian-Justin Fluke

Justin Fluke is June's Featured Kiwanian. Justin and his wife, Erin, live near Holton with their 4 children. Justin is the Sports Director and Sales Consultant for KNZA Radio in Hiawatha.
Justin is big into sports including fantasy sports online. He also enjoys reading magazines and spending time with his family.
Justin enjoys the socializing that Kiwanis offers as well as the informative meetings each week.
Justin was named Kansas Sportscaster of the year in 2006!
Congrats Justin on being June's Featured Kiwanian.

June Club News ----
June 4th -- Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation presented a check to the Little Hands Inc. for $20,ooo. This is the first installment of the $30,000 that HKF has pledged to this project. Those present to receive the check were: Little Hands Board President Becky Rafferty, Secretary Lynne Ladner, Treasurer Fonda LaFrenz, and Board Members Leslie Grimm and John Moore. Today's speaker was Josh Nelson, son of Kiwanian Carl Nelson, describing the African Safari he had been on.
June 11th -- A Sabetha Interclub (Kelly Girton, Steve Cumpo, Al Roberts and Matt Bachtold) were our guests today. Eric Oldham's program was on the "K is for Kansas" traveling exhibit that has been on display at the Frances Sewell Plaman History Center.
June 12th -- Kiwanis Kids Fun Day at the Park
June 18th -- Membership Chairman presented our annual Membership Training to 14 members present. Chad Bachman's father in law was a guest.
June 29 -- Round Table with 9 members present. No program.

Friday, May 7, 2010

MAY -- Happy Golfing!!!

May 28:
May 21: 17 members were present today for fellow Kiwanian David Nachtigal's presentation on Your Healthy Heart and demonstrate a heart defibulator machine. Secretary gave a report of Wednesday's Board of Director's Meeting and the President LaFrenz passed around the volunteer sign-up sheet for our June 12th Fun Day and also a sign-up sheet for the upcoming 2010-2011 club year's standing committees. Eric Gustafson was elected as 2010-2011 club treasurer and serve as 'treasurer trainee' for the remaining of this club year
May 19: The June Board Meeting was scheduled early this time as several members would not be available at our regular time in June. Members present were: Fonda LaFrenz, Jennifer Ploeger, Peggy Kolb, Chad Bachman, Justin Fluke, Bee Strobel, Janice Smith and incoming board member Brad Edwards. Officer Leadership Training for the 2010-11 club year was led by the incoming Lt. Governor - Doug Clark on May 17th at Laurie Beth's as Hiawatha membership was unable to attend the training in McLouth the day before with Chad Bachman, Jennifer Ploeger, Fonda LaFrenz and Janice Smith attending. Volunteer Hours for May 1st thru May 15th: 261.25 hours by 24 Kiwanians impacting 624 children. June's 'featured Kiwanian' will be Justin Fluke. Thank you notes received from USD #430 (speaker systems), City of Hiawatha (Rance Hixson Memorial money), and Brown Co. American Cancer Society Relay for Life Committee. Reviewd the plans for the upcoming June 12th Kids Fun Day in the Park. The Kiwanis High School Scholarship amount is being increased to $300 each beginning this year thanks in part to the success of the Kiwanis Golf Tournament earlier this month. Peggy Kolb has asked that we consider someone else for her position of Treasurer for the new club year. Possible candidates will be contacted and a vote of approval to follow at our May 21st club meeting. Peggy will begin training this individual once they have been approved. Sign-up for the 2010-2011 Club Committees will also begin at this Friday's meeting.
May 14: Today was College Scholarship Day with 2 of the 4 seniors present -- Chelsea Thompson and Andrew Buser along with their guests Vickie Simon, Greg & Becky Buser. Hallee Edwards introduced her guest, Mike Twombly. Today's speaker was Seth Euler, Kanza District Executive for Boy Scouts of America with Pony Express Council in St. Joseph, MO.
May 7: President LaFrenz announced our "Distinguished Club", "Outstanding Club Secretary" and "Distinguished Secretary" awards today. Secretary gave a report from Wednesday's Board Meeting. Bee Strobel read a 'funny'. Pat Loyd introduced her speaker, fellow Kiwanian Ted Starr. Ted gave a report on the current financial atmosphere.
May 5 Board Meeting -- President Fonda LaFrenz called the 8 members to order at noon.
---Carl Nelson, Chairman of the Fundraising Committee, gave his final report for the Kiwanis-sponsored Golf Tournament held May 1st. 10 teams participated with a total net of $2,106 for the day. Secretary Janice Smith will write thank you letters to all sponsors (see May 1 entry for list of sponsors). Chad Bachman will talk to Boy Scout Troop 313 Leaders to set a date for the scouts to attend a meeting to receive their $1000 check for the Wilderness Trip in exchange for the troop keeping the Noble Park Kiddie Korral playground clean. He will also ask for their assistance at Fun Day. APRIL Volunteer Hours: 214 hrs. by 20 Kiwanians impacting 285 children. APRIL Attendance was down 1% from previous month. Those Kiwanians with 100% attendance are: Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Justin Fluke, Peggy Kolb, Fonda LaFrenz, Del Larson, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Randy Quinn, Gretchen Randall, Beckham & Janice Smith, and Bee Strobel. We will be giving Terry Smith the money to be used for the Rance Hixson Memorial Shelter Park so that he can proceed with the plans. May featured Kiwanian is Ted Starr. Members donated $116 for the Kiwanis Skip-A-Meal Program that Kiwanis International will match to help feed the hungry children of the world. Thank you notes received from Chamber of Commerce and Hiawatha Youth Bowling League. We will continue to sponsor a bowling team next year as well. Kiwanis "Walk Kansas" Team logged 874 miles for the 8-week program, placing 13th of 33 teams. We will be donating $25 to the Hiawatha Fire Department FirePup Program to assist in providing fire safety materials for 11 children. Kiwanis Club Scholarship winners are invited to attend the May 14th club meeting to receive their certificate. This year's winners are: Chelsea Thompson, Drew Clary, Marcellis (Marc) Washington and Andrew Buser. Committee reports / assignments for our 3rd Annual Kiwanis "Kids Fun Day at the Park", June 12th, were discussed. Plans are progressing nicely and hope we have a great turnout and wonderful weather. The club officers for the upcoming 2010-11 club year are: President: Jennifer Ploeger; VP: Chad Bachman; Secretary: Janice Smith; Treasurer: Peggy Kolb; Past President: Fonda LaFrenz; Board Members: Jere Bruning, Brad Edwards, Justin Fluke, Joe Koechner and Randy Quinn. 2010-11 Officer Leadership Training was rescheduled to May 17th; noon at Laurie Beth's. Secretary announced she had received "important info in the mail today...." our Distinguished Club certificate and banner, as well as the "Outstanding Club Secretary" patch and "Distinguished Secretary" pin all for the 2008-09 club year. Secretary also asked for permission to hold the June Board Meeting early -- May 19th -- due to her being unavailable for the month of June.
May 1 -- Our Kiwanis Golf Tournament was held on a beautiful sunny day with 10 teams competing in the 3-person scramble at the Hiawatha Country Club. The proceeds for this tournament will be used to help fund the Boy Scouts' upcoming Wilderness Trip, Kiwanis Scholarships and Adopt-A-Family program.
---We wish to thank the following sponsors for the day: Hole Sponsors -- KNZA Radio, Ag Partners, Kex Rx, Sac & Fox Nation; Tee Sponsors -- Citizen's State Bank, Wal-Mart, Rainbow Communications, Marianne Schmitt CPA, Tice Health Mart, Farm Bureau Insurance, Shelter Insurance, Farmers Insurance, Stan Boos Auto Sales, Country Cabin, Golden Eagle Casino, Bruna Bros Implement, Maximum Insurance, Morrill & Janes Bank, Heartland Realty, SBS Insurance, Hiawatha Community Hospital, HCH Family Practice and Cashman, Finley, Miller, Schmitt & Boye LLP.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Featured Kiwanian--Ted Starr

Ted Starr, President of Citizens' State Bank in Hiawatha. Ted has been a member of Kiwanis for several years and enjoys the opportunities it provides for the youth of the community.

Ted is a graduate of Hiawatha High and received his Eagle Scout Award in 1964.

Ted and his wife, Paula, have 3 grown daughters.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Jennifer Ploeger presented Dustin Williams with his Kiwanis pin and weekly name badge as his sponsor during his induction by President Fonda LaFrenz. Jennifer received her bronze key.

Peggy Kolb is Sheila Schwalm's sponsor and presented her with her "K" pin and badge. Peggy also received her silver key for her second new member.

President LaFrenz welcomes our newest member, Ike Larson, during induction. Justin Fluke presented him with the "K" pin and badge as his sponsor. Justin received his bronze key.

April 30: Fellow Kiwanian, Dr. Delbert Larson, reported on his recent trip to Haiti with the "Heart to Heart Earthquake Response" team with a slide show. His wife, Nancy, was our guest. Election of officers for the upcoming year was held and the slate was approved unanimously. Updates on the golf tournament scheduled for tomorrow, Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation and June Kiwanis Fun Day at the Park were given by Carl Nelson, Troy Boswell and President LaFrenz. Club scholarship winners were announced.
April 23: Incoming Lt. Governor Doug Clark of Sabetha Kiwanis shared with us about Victory Junction and Kiwanis involvement. Also present for our meeting were guests from Sabetha: Jim Bredahl, Meridel Wittmer and Roy Frey as well as resident Ken McCauley and Congressman Jerry Moran. Moran gave a brief update. The contents of today's happy jar were designated for the Kiwanis Skip A Meal program to help feed the hungry children of the world.
April 16: Micah Bicker shared with us his new adventures with the Hiawatha Beverage Company to be known as Crazy Eye Brewery. Micah continues to work on his business plan, but homes to have an opening of his building this fall and possibly even product at that time. Ike Larson was a guest. Carl Nelson, fundraising chairman, passed the work sign-up sheet for the May 1st Kiwanis Golf Tournament. The Board of Directors had a short impromptu meeting to approve the membership of Ike Larson.
April 9: Bee Strobel and Janice Smith filled in for absent program by reading several articles of interest. Smith also gave a Board of Director's report to the members. 16 members + 1 guest, Ike Larson, were in attendance.
April 7th Board of Director Meeting Report: 227.5 volunteer hours reported by 34 Kiwanians during the month of March impacting 631 children. March attendance - 59%, with 12 members having perfect attendance for the month.
---Board moved to donate $100 to Pam Smith's Relay for Life Team in the memory of her father and long-time Kiwanian Rance Hixson.
---President LaFrenz has received the scholarship applications and will meet with the committee following the April 16th club meeting to choose the 4 winners.
---Carl Nelson reported on our May 1st Golf Tournament -- proceeds to be used to sponsor the Boy Scout Wilderness trip in return for their 'policing' the Kiddie Korral on a regular basis, and any additional funds to be used towards high school scholarships and Christmas Adopt-A-Family. He also reported Kiwanis Foundation Officers for 2010-11: President, Troy Boswell; VP, Eric Oldham; Secretary, Joe Koechner; and Treasurer, Beckham Smith.
---Happy jar proceeds will be designated one meeting to the Kiwanis Skip A Meal program to help feed the children of the world.
---Plans are being made for our June 12th Kiwanis "Kids Fun Day at the Park" -- 1o A.M. thru 1:00 P.M. Committees for the event:
..........Food procurement, Set-up and Cooking: John Severin & Scholarship Committee, LaFrenz and Chad Bachman.
..........Games & Prizes: Joe Koechner & Youth Services Committee
(Contact FFA for Mini Golf; Biology Club for face painting; Boy Scouts help with games and cleanup; Mini Horse Club; Clowns)
..........Publicity: Justin Fluke
..........Tear Down / Clean-up: Membership Committee + those present (Assist Severin in getting everything back to the school; tents down)
April 2: There was no formal meeting held today as this is Good Friday. However, 7 members did attend a "Round Table" to enjoy visiting in a more relaxed atmosphere. Happy Easter!!!
Yola Bee Strobel is April's Featured Kiwanian!
Bee enjoys the many projects that the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club does for the children of the community as well as the fellowship it provides. She and her husband, Dale, live in Hiawatha and have six grown children. In her spare time she enjoys being on the computer, playing games such as Scrabble and also reading.

Monday, March 8, 2010


March 26 -- District Governor Patricia Wiechman along with her fellow Topeka Downtown Kiwanians - Elliot Potter, Dale Jarik, Harold & Crystal Wolgast - were our guests today. Pat gave us additional information on the 'April new membership campaign'. Justin Fluke presented his program on "Sportscasting Secrets". President LaFrenz reported that our Kiwanis-sponsored blood bank netted 41 units of blood for our local hospital. Fundraising committee met after the meeting to discuss the upcoming golf tournament.

March 19 -- Kevin Hill and his speaker, Sheriff John Merchant, explained the "Finding Words" program now being used when interviewing children and preparing for court cases regarding crimes against children. This program helps build a rapport with the child and asking questions that do not 'lead' the child's answers thus reducing the traumatic stresses on the child. 20 members were in attendance at today's meeting. Following the meeting, a Kiwanis-sponsored Community Blood Bank was held at Fisher Center; 1 to 6 P.M. today with 6 Kiwanians serving refreshments to community participants. Earlier in the month Kiwanians were also responsible for calling individuals on the blood bank's list of previous donors to remind them to come give blood.

March 12 -- Joe Koechner introduced Nancy Prawl as today's speaker. Nancy is the president of the Brown County Genealogical Society in Hiawatha. Be sure to check out their library if you are needing help in putting together your family tree. Janice Smith announced that Leavenworth Kiwanis are having a Pancake Feed on March 20th.

March 5 --Carl Nelson and Beckham Smith presented foundation checks to Justin Fluke representing Big Brothers / Big Sisters and to Eric Oldham representing Brown County Historical Society. Brad Edwards had Economic Trivia for his program today. 17 members were present.

March 3 Board Meeting -- 205 Volunteer Hours were turned in by 27 Kiwanians impacting 328 children for the month of February. The February attendance was up 7% over the previous month. Those with 100% attendance for the month were: Jere Bruning, Brad & Hallee Edwards, Laurie Neeman, Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Randy Quinn, Gretchen Randall, Beckham & Janice Smith, and Bee Strobel. March Featured Kiwanian is Jason Smith. Plans for the March 19th Kiwanis-sponsored Community Blood Bank were reviewed. A thank you note was received from Fern Wolney for her being an honored guest at the Valentine Party. Discussions regarding the designation of proceeds from the upcoming May 1st Hiawatha Kiwanis Golf Tournament and new club member fees / dues followed -- to be tabled till next month. Dustin Williams was approved as a new member and will be serving on the Youth Services committee. Ks. Dist. Mid-Year Conference in Wichita information handed out. We will be donating Kiwanis pencils to be placed in the children's bags at the annual Chamber Easter Egg Hunt.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jason Smith--March's Featured Kiwanian

Jason Smith is this month's Featured Kiwanian. Jason and his wife Ronda have 4 children and live in rural Hiawatha. Jason recently earned his master's degree and is the assistant general manager for Rainbow Communications. He enjoys participating in his kids' activities and especially coaching youth sports and working in his yard.
Jason enjoys a lot about Kiwanis, but especially the opportunities it has provided him within his community.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Brrrrr ..... It's February!!!

February 26: Denise Elffner, USD #415 Board of Education, presented Janice Smith with a Friend of Education Certificate of Merit Award from the Confidence in Kansas Public Education Task Force for "outstanding contributions to public education in Kansas". Jere Bruning presented Jim Bush as the speaker today. His topic was the completion of the Frances Sewell Plamann History Center. After his presentation, he invited all present to move to the Center for a tour of the facilities. 6 Sabetha Kiwanians were our guests today (Hicks, Grimm, Girton, Cook, Lukert and Lippert).

February 19: Today's program by Troy Boswell dealt with 'money trivia'. 18 members were present on this wintry day. The secretary read correspondence from Lt. Gov. Dan Gaumer asking for our club's official vote for 2010-2011 Division 2 Lt. Governor -- Beckham Smith moved that we cast a unanimous vote for Sabetha Kiwanian Doug Clark, seconded & carried.

February 12: Plans were continued on our club sponsoring the March 19th Community Blood Bank -- John Moore, John Severin, Jere Bruning, Lana Reigle, Beckham Smith and Gretchen Randall will call past donors; Justin Fluke will be responsible for posting posters and putting information on the radio. In addition, Jere, John, Beckham, Janice Smith and Eric Gustafson will be at the refreshment table that day. Sean Binkley gave the program today on "Partners in The Perfect Crime!" touching on the 4 Deadly Food Additives, The Dangers of Sugar, Whole Food Nutrients vs. Synthetic Nutrients and much more. Topeka Kiwanian Harold Wohlgast and his guest Layman Pierce were present along with 19 Hiawatha Kiwanians today.

February 11 - Club Valentine Party: 26 Members and guests welcomed our 2 honored guests -- Mrs. Fern Wolney and Mrs. Nancy Klontz, wives of former Kiwanians no longer with us. Randy Quinn led the group in reading the official Kiwanis prayer from 1955. Vice President, Jennifer Ploeger presented Gretchen Oldham with the "Night At The Cabin" certificate she had won in November.

Secretary, Janice Smith, delivered the "First 50 Years of Hiawatha Kiwanis Club" in a trivia format. Door prizes were won by Jere Bruning, Nancy Klontz, Kathy Nelson, Gretchen Randall and Beckham Smith. All present enjoyed the delicious meal and fellowship.

February 5: Chad Bachman introduced Payton Trosclair, member of Boy Scout Troop 313, who gave the history of scouting as well as personal information of the troop. His mother Dawn Newman and Jay Boyles were guests. Janice Smith presented more trivia that she has gleaned from the club's archival files. 19 members were present.

February 3 - Board Meeting: Pancake Feed's net now stands at $1460 -- this money is used to support our 4 scholarships given to Hiawatha High seniors that will be attending a Kansas Community College or Kansas Vo-Tech School the following year. January Volunteer hours totaled 132 hours by 16 Kiwanians impacting 128 children. January attendance was up 3% from the previous month; 9 members had perfect attendance -- Chad Bachman, Jere Bruning, Joe Koechner, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Laurie Neeman, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith and Terry Smith. Thank you notes were received from a Christmas Adopted Family and for "Fighting 4-Phoenix" Lucky Bears donated to Hiawatha Community Hospital. The club will be sponsoring the March 19th Community Blood Drive. Voted to invite 3 widows of former Kiwanians to be our honored guests at the February 11th Valentine Party. Carl Nelson, Eric Oldham, Pat Loyd and Troy Boswell were reappointed to the Hiawatha Foundation Board for an additional 3 years. Carl Nelson was a guest today and explained their plans for a Spring Golf Tournament to be held May 1st and asked that our board designate how proceeds be used. Board gave the secretary permission to donate the original 1930-1934 Kiwanis Scrapbook to the Brown County Historical Society once she has made copies of the information contained therein to be retained with club archival records.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February Featured Kiwanian--Beckham Smith

Beckham has been a longtime resident of the Hiawatha area and has been a very active Kiwanis member. He and his wife, Janice, have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Beck is self-employed working for Rainbow Communications. He enjoys spending time in the yard when he is not working on computers.

Monday, January 18, 2010


We have two births to announce --

Kirsten Luci -- daughter of Jason & Ronda Smith, born December 18, 2009. 7 lbs. 11 oz.; 20 inches long.

Carla Ann -- daughter of Eric and Cara Gustafson, born January 10, 2010. 7 lbs. 4 oz.; 18 inches long.

Congratulations fellow Kiwanians -- Jason and Eric!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 2010 ........ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

January 29 -- Doug Weinberg introduced his speaker following a few comical remarks -- Eric Oldham. Eric took us back in time to "Grand Prairie: A One Room School House" with many visual aids such as slate boards and pencils, pinafore smocks, McGuffey's Readers, and old game boards. For this blogger, it hit very close to home as I attended Grand Prairie School from first thru 6th grade. 19 members present.

January 22 -- Janice Smith provided information regarding the upcoming Valentine Party. Bee Strobel presented trivia and Janice Smith gave "a new way to look at a deck of cards" for todays program. Eric Gustafson was inducted as a new member by President Fonda LaFrenz and his co-sponsors, Jere Bruning and Beckham Smith. 23 members and 2 guests -- Dustin Williams and Jackilynn Randall -- present.

January 15 -- Bee Strobel introduced today's speaker: Drew Bauerle, son of Daron and Elizabeth Bauerle. Drew, a Senior at Hiawatha High School, was our 2008 representative to HOBY - Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Conference. He related how the experience has encouraged him to become more confident in his everyday experience to become a leader rather than always being a follower. Thank you for confirming our stance to continue sponsoring the HOBY program. 19 members were present.

January 8 -- Despite the cold and snowy weather, 17 Kiwanians welcomed 5 guests (Dave Grimm, Malcolm Grier, Randy Phillips, Sheila Schwalm and Dr. Willie Geisendorf) to our Membership Day. Each member described what induced them to become a Kiwanian with "helping children of the community" being the top reason. Gretchen Randall was inducted as a new member by President Fonda LaFrenz and her sponsor, Peggy Kolb. Secretary, Janice Smith gave a board report and a brief history of the Hiawatha Kiwanis Club that began in 1930. Much laughter and comraderie was enjoyed by all.
January 6 Board Meeting -- Treasurer Peggy Kolb reported a net of $1459.94 for the Pancake Feed to date. Jennifer Ploeger purchased toys, clothing and food for the two families our club 'adopted' for Christmas 2009 with 8 children impacted. 18 Kiwanians volunteered 130 hours in December, which impacted 346 children in the community. December attendance was DOWN 24% from last month: 100% attendance = Jere Bruning, Peggy Kolb, Laurie Neemann, Mike Schmitt, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, Terry Smith; 75% = 5 members; 50% = 9; 25% = 3; 0% = 12 members. Dr. Delbert Larson is the 'Featured Kiwanian' for January. Community Blood Drive sponsorship was once again tabled till next month for additional information. Membership applications for Eric Gustafson and Gretchen Randall were approved. Final review for Friday's Membership Day was completed. 6 members were present.

Membership Meeting -- Would you like to learn more about Kiwanis? We would like to invite you to our Membership Meeting on Friday, January 8th at 12:00 noon at Laurie Beth's in Hiawatha. Come learn about our organization and see if it might be a way for you to get involved in our community!