Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Brrrr.... It is definitely December.....

No meeting to be held on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve days -- December 24 & 31.

December 17 Meeting: Randy Quinn began the meeting with "O Bring Not Gold" as our Christmas Spiritual Aims. Today's speaker was Sonya Johnson from the Kansas Attorney General's Office with the topic of "Identity Theft". One of her points was that " should ONLY carry your driver's license and one credit card in your purse or billfold....and that all other forms of identification should be kept in a safe place at home to guard against identity theft...." An interclub from Sabetha Kiwanis were also in attendance -- Maridel Wittmer, Sherry McNary, Al Roberts and his wife Susan, Kelly Girten, Bob Schuman and Lt. Gov. Doug Clark.

Congratulations to Laurie Neemann on the birth of her second grandchild -- Caelyn Sophia Karr, born December 16.

December 10 Meeting: President Jennifer Ploeger kicked off the meeting by reading a thank you from Big Brothers Big Sisters. We also heard about the two families that Kiwanis adopted for Christmas this year.

Today's speakers were Venice Sloan and Lisa Brandt. They talked about the local alternative school program sponsored in part by the Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundation. The goal of this program is to help catch up students that have fallen behind and then reintegrate them back into the regular school system.

December 3 Meeting: We had several Hiawatha Kiwanis Foundations presentations today to start the meeting. County Sheriff John Merchant accepted $1500 on behalf of S.A.F.E. Kanza Mental Health was also present to accept a donation toward new playground equipment.

Next, Justin Fluke explained restaurant options for the annual Valentine's banquet. After a vote, it was decided that the 2011 banquet would be held at The Cabin on February 10th.

Following Justin's explanation, secretary Janice Smith read the report from the board meeting (see December 1 Board meeting).

Dr. Larson Introduced today's guest speaker, Jean Abeita, pharmacist at the hospital. She spoke on the importance of vaccinations even into your adult years. Also, she explained what shots adults should have.

December 1 Bd Meeting:
7 members met at the Hiawatha Lodge Restaurant at noon. 237 total Volunteer hours were reported by 30 Kiwanians that directly impacted 243 children for the month of November. November attendance was up 11% from previous month but down 9% for the same month last year. Those with 100% attendance for November were: Chad Bachman, Troy Boswell, Jere Bruning, Hallee Edwards, Eric Gustafson, Peggy Kolb, Del Larson, Ike Larson, John Moore, Carl Nelson, Jennifer Ploeger, Randy Quinn, John Severing, Beckham Smith, Janice Smith, Terry Smith and Bee Strobel. December Featured Kiwanian is Randy Quinn. 359 individuals were severed at this year's Pancake Feed held Nov. 13. This is up a total of 94 from the previous year's count. 21 members gave a total of 66 hours to help with the 'Feed'. Monies raised from this project will be used to help fund the 4 high school scholarships given out in May. November's middle school Student of the Month is Shania Ghormley. We will be sponsoring 2 families with a total of 6 children for our Christmas Adopt-A-Family project. Our Annual Membership Day will be held February 4, 2011 with the Membership Committee in charge. Justin Fluke will be scheduling the annual Valentine Party with members to vote at the weekly meeting on his findings. ( February 10th at the Country Cabin was the results from the vote on December 3rd.) State and International will be contacted asking for Financial Reports. Atchison and Sabetha clubs will be invited to the December 17th meeting to hear a presentation on Identity Theft by the Attorney General's Office.

Please note that there will be no Kiwanis meeting on December 24th or December 31st due to the holidays. However, you are invited to come to a 'Round Table' both of those days.

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